



我想从文件中找到非ASCII字符,并在文本文件中用类似的字母替换它们。我有2个文本文件,看起来像LS_PRSADT _ * .txt,我已经部署了一个带有NON Ascii代码和类似外观字符的表。现在我调用SP并从文件中获取输入(NON-ASCII)并用类似的字母替换它们。我有以下代码。我从一个目录中读取2个文本文件,我还需要将这两个文本文件保存在同一个位置,并且名称相同。不知何故,它无法正常工作。请帮助

I want to find the NON ASCII characters from the files and replace them by similar looking Alphabets in text file. I have 2 text files which are looking like LS_PRSADT_*.txt and I have deployed a table with NON Ascii codes and similar looking characters . Now I am calling the SP and take the input(NON-ASCII) from file and replace them by similar looking alphabets. I have the following code . Where I am reading 2 text files from one one directory and I also need to save those two text files in the same location and also with the same names. Somehow It is not working properly. Please help

static string CS = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Constring"].ConnectionString.ToString();
        static void Main(string[] args)

            string date = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
            string date2=DateTime.Today.ToString("YYYYMMMDD");
            string dirPath =
            string quarintine =
            string filepattern1 = "LS_PRSADT_*.txt";
            string backupfile = Path.Combine(quarintine, date);
            string movefiles = Path.Combine(quarintine, date2);
            string[] filesDT = Directory.GetFiles(dirPath, filepattern1);
            string s1 = null;
            string s2 = null;

            filesDT.ToList().ForEach(k => File.Copy(k, Path.Combine(backupfile, Path.GetFileName(k))));

                for (int i = 0; i < filesDT.Length; i++)

                    string file = filesDT[i];

                    FileInfo fileinfo = new FileInfo(file);
                    string content = File.ReadAllText(fileinfo.FullName);

                    foreach (char c in content)
                        if (c > 127)
                            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CS))
                                SqlCommand sqlcom = new SqlCommand("sp_ReplaceNonAsciiCharset", con);
                                sqlcom.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                                SqlParameter sqlparam = new SqlParameter();
                                sqlparam.ParameterName = "@non_ascii_char";
                                sqlparam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
                                sqlparam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NChar;
                                sqlparam.Size = 2;
                                sqlparam.Value = c;
                                object o = sqlcom.ExecuteScalar();
                                int j = content.IndexOf(c);
                                s1 = content.Remove(j, 1);
                                s2 = s1.Insert(i, o.ToString());
                                content = s2;


                    filesDT[i] = content;



08-22 21:56