

我想在 DataGridView 中突出显示给定的搜索文本。我已经尝试了cellFormatting事件来找到 searchtext 的界限并绘制 FillRectangle ,但是我无法确切地获得界限

I want to highlight the given search text in the DataGridView. I have tried cellFormatting event to find the bounds of the searchtext and draw FillRectangle, but i could not exactly get the bounds of the search text.

在添加的内容中图像,我尝试突出显示文本 o,但也突出显示其他字符。

In the added image, i have tried to highlight text "o" but it highlights other characters also.


Could anyone share me how to draw perfect rectangle to highlight the searched text.

阿马尔·拉吉(Amal Raj。)

Regards,Amal Raj.



You need to use the CellPainiting event. Try this code:

string keyValue = "Co"; //search text

    private void dataGridView1_CellPainting(object sender, DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e)
        if (e.Value == null) return;

        StringFormat sf = StringFormat.GenericTypographic;
        sf.FormatFlags = sf.FormatFlags | StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces | StringFormatFlags.DisplayFormatControl;
        e.PaintBackground(e.CellBounds, true);

        SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
        if (((int)e.State & (int)DataGridViewElementStates.Selected) == 0)
            br.Color = Color.Black;

        string text = e.Value.ToString();
        SizeF textSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(text, Font, e.CellBounds.Width, sf);

        int keyPos = text.IndexOf(keyValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        if (keyPos >= 0)
            SizeF textMetricSize = new SizeF(0, 0);
            if (keyPos >= 1)
                string textMetric = text.Substring(0, keyPos);
                textMetricSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(textMetric, Font, e.CellBounds.Width, sf);

            SizeF keySize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(text.Substring(keyPos, keyValue.Length), Font, e.CellBounds.Width, sf);
            float left = e.CellBounds.Left + (keyPos <= 0 ? 0 : textMetricSize.Width) + 2;
            RectangleF keyRect = new RectangleF(left, e.CellBounds.Top + 1, keySize.Width, e.CellBounds.Height - 2);

            var fillBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow);
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(fillBrush, keyRect);
        e.Graphics.DrawString(text, Font, br, new PointF(e.CellBounds.Left + 2, e.CellBounds.Top + (e.CellBounds.Height - textSize.Height) / 2), sf);
        e.Handled = true;



08-22 21:40