I would like to fit a curve with curve_fit
and prevent it from becoming negative. Unfortunately, the code below does not work. Any hints? Thanks a lot!
# Imports
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xData = [0.0009824379203203417, 0.0011014182912933933, 0.0012433979929054324, 0.0014147106052612918, 0.0016240300315499524, 0.0018834904507916608, 0.002210485320720769, 0.002630660216394964, 0.0031830988618379067, 0.003929751681281367, 0.0049735919716217296, 0.0064961201261998095, 0.008841941282883075, 0.012732395447351627, 0.019894367886486918, 0.0353677651315323, 0.07957747154594767, 0.3183098861837907]
yData = [99.61973156923796, 91.79478510744039, 92.79302188621314, 84.32927272723863, 77.75060981602016, 75.62801782349504, 70.48026800610839, 72.21240551953743, 68.14019252499526, 55.23015406920851, 57.212682880377464, 50.777016257727176, 44.871140881319626, 40.544138806850846, 32.489105158795525, 25.65367127756607, 19.894206907130403, 13.057996247388862]
def func(x,m,c,d):
Fitting Function
I put d as an absolute number to prevent negative values for d?
return x**m * c + abs(d)
p0 = [-1, 1, 1]
coeff, _ = curve_fit(func, xData, yData, p0) # Fit curve
m, c, d = coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2]
print("d: " + str(d)) # Why is it negative!!
Your model actually works fine as the following plot shows. I used your code and plotted the original data and the data you obtain with the fitted parameters:
As you can see, the data can nicely be reproduced but you indeed obtain a negative value for d
(which must not be a bad thing depending on the context of the model). If you want to avoid it, I recommend to use lmfit
where you can constrain your parameters to certain ranges. The next plot shows the outcome.
As you can see, it also reproduces the data well and you obtain a positive value for d
as desired.
m: -0.35199747
c: 8.48813181
d: 0.05775745
Here is the entire code that reproduces the figures:
# Imports
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#additional import
from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, Parameter, report_fit
xData = [0.0009824379203203417, 0.0011014182912933933, 0.0012433979929054324, 0.0014147106052612918, 0.0016240300315499524, 0.0018834904507916608, 0.002210485320720769, 0.002630660216394964, 0.0031830988618379067, 0.003929751681281367, 0.0049735919716217296, 0.0064961201261998095, 0.008841941282883075, 0.012732395447351627, 0.019894367886486918, 0.0353677651315323, 0.07957747154594767, 0.3183098861837907]
yData = [99.61973156923796, 91.79478510744039, 92.79302188621314, 84.32927272723863, 77.75060981602016, 75.62801782349504, 70.48026800610839, 72.21240551953743, 68.14019252499526, 55.23015406920851, 57.212682880377464, 50.777016257727176, 44.871140881319626, 40.544138806850846, 32.489105158795525, 25.65367127756607, 19.894206907130403, 13.057996247388862]
def func(x,m,c,d):
Fitting Function
I put d as an absolute number to prevent negative values for d?
print m,c,d
return np.power(x,m)*c + d
p0 = [-1, 1, 1]
coeff, _ = curve_fit(func, xData, yData, p0) # Fit curve
m, c, d = coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2]
print("d: " + str(d)) # Why is it negative!!
plt.scatter(xData, yData, s=30, marker = "v",label='P')
plt.scatter(xData, func(xData, *coeff), s=30, marker = "v",color="red",label='curvefit')
#####the new approach starts here
def func2(params, x, data):
m = params['m'].value
c = params['c'].value
d = params['d'].value
model = np.power(x,m)*c + d
return model - data #that's what you want to minimize
# create a set of Parameters
params = Parameters()
params.add('m', value= -2) #value is the initial condition
params.add('c', value= 8.)
params.add('d', value= 10.0, min=0) #min=0 prevents that d becomes negative
# do fit, here with leastsq model
result = minimize(func2, params, args=(xData, yData))
# calculate final result
final = yData + result.residual
# write error report
import pylab
pylab.plot(xData, yData, 'k+')
pylab.plot(xData, final, 'r')