


I've been struggling with this for about a day. Basically, I want to write an excel macro to loop through a list in excel, query a webpage and retrieve some data. Ideally I just want to retrieve the data I need so I can place it in an adjacent cell, but I'd do whatever it takes at this point.


The page is ASP.net, which I have no experience in; if it was .php I could probably manage, but I’m not even sure how to post to .aspx through javascript.


I can loop through my data just fine, and once I get the data I can write it to excel, so there are two parts I’m struggling with:

页面。我需要物业地址搜索和检索结果的数据。我将使用该示例的地址是 400瓦教堂圣。我想这可能是简单的提交表单,如... / ParcelSearch.aspx名= ...&放大器;值= ...,但没有骰子

This is the page I want to query. I need to search in Property Address and retrieve data from the results. The address I'll use for the example is 400 W Church St. I thought it may be simple to submit a form like ".../ParcelSearch.aspx?name=...&value=...", but no dice.

在结果,有一个表 DetailsS​​ummary_Master 向上顶,与使用中所定义字段集;传奇> 标记。我需要在数据<传奇>&本市LT; /传说>

On the results, there is a table DetailsSummary_Master up top, with fieldsets that are defined with <legend> tags. I need the data in <legend>Municipality</legend>:

我想不出该怎么做,通过,循环&LT; TD&GT; S'我想也许我可以的getElementById或者按标签,但我似乎无法找到答案。

I can’t figure out what to do, loop through the <td>s? I thought maybe I could GetElementByID or maybe by tag, but I can’t seem to figure it out.

我使用了一些SO线程试图弄明白为止。 First, Second和Third,但我甚至不能似乎得到它的正常发布。我保持独立潜艇现在。

I used a few SO threads to try to figure it out so far. First, Second and Third, but I can't even seem to get it to POST properly. I'm keeping the subs separate for now.


This is what I have (stolen from the other thread) in regards to my problem:

Sub SubmitForm()

Dim objIE As Object
Dim xmlhttp As Object
Dim ieButton As Object
Dim strResponse As String
Dim strUrl As String
Dim strID As String
Dim strValue As String
Dim strSubmit As String

strID = "?name=ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_TabContainer1_Searches_SubTabContainer1_QuickSearches_CompositAddressSearch1_AddressSearch1_ctl00_Address&value="
strValue = "400 W Church St"
strSubmit = strID & strValue

strUrl = "http://www.ocpafl.org/searches/ParcelSearch.aspx"
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.navigate "about:blank"
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

'~~> Indicates that page that will receive the request and the type of request being submitted
xmlhttp.Open "POST", "http://www.ocpafl.org/searches/ParcelSearch.aspx", False

'~~> Indicate that the body of the request contains form data
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

'~~> Send the data as name/value pairs
xmlhttp.Send "strSubmit"
strResponse = xmlhttp.responseText
objIE.navigate strUrl
objIE.Visible = True

Do While objIE.readystate <> 4

objIE.document.Write strResponse

Set xmlhttp = Nothing

End Sub

我实际上并不需要通过IE浏览器来运行它,我想运行它隐藏起来。我在工作中的Excel 2007中运行,但我有2010家。我们也有可笑的IE8,所以越少,越好。我可以循环或使用数组,但我似乎无法与查询的接口。任何帮助将大大AP preciated。

I don't actually need to run it through IE, I'd like to run it all hidden. I'm running this on Excel 2007 at work, but I have 2010 at home. We also have ridiculous IE8, so the less of that, the better. And I can loop or use an array, but I just can't seem to interface with the query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



For making the query, given the complexity of the form fields that the ASPX page is expecting on postback, you might find it easier to control the browser when making this call. It will be rather slow, but it should work.


A fairly reliable tool for this is Selenium, and there are plugins to control Selenium from Excel VBA.

编辑:这个Excel VBA code段应读出奥兰多市。你需要的参数低于code和错误条件的情况下添加您的最终版本的任何街道地址进行查询得到的直辖市。这应该让你开始虽然。我用Selenium IDE的使用Firefox根据记录用户的操作生成VBA code,然后想出了一个XPath查询抓取的文本。

This Excel VBA code snippet should read out "Municipality Orlando". You need to parameterize the below code and add cases for error conditions for your final version to query by any street address to get its municipality. This should get you started though. I used Selenium IDE with Firefox to generate the VBA code based on recording user actions, and then came up with an XPath query to grab the text.

  Dim selenium As New SeleniumWrapper.WebDriver
  selenium.Start "firefox", "http://www.ocpafl.org/searches/ParcelSearch.aspx"
  selenium.setImplicitWait 5000

  selenium.setImplicitWait 5000
  selenium.Open "/searches/ParcelSearch.aspx"

  selenium.Click "id=popup_ok"
  selenium.Type "id=ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_TabContainer1_Searches_SubTabContainer1_QuickSearches_CompositAddressSearch1_AddressSearch1_ctl00_Address", "400 W Church St"
  selenium.Click "id=ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_TabContainer1_Searches_SubTabContainer1_QuickSearches_PropertyNameSearch1_ctl00"
  selenium.Click "id=ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_TabContainer1_Searches_SubTabContainer1_QuickSearches_CompositAddressSearch1_AddressSearch1_ctl00_ActionButton1"
  Dim municipalityResult As String
  municipalityResult = selenium.getText("//fieldset[contains(legend,'Municipality')]")


08-22 21:04