本文介绍了iTextSharp - 签名哈希的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


  1. 客户端选择要签署的PDF格式

  2. Web服务从pdf中提取哈希并将其发送到外部提供程序

  3. 外部提供程序对哈希进行签名

  4. 外部提供程序发回已签名的哈希

  5. Web服务包括已签名的哈希返回到pdf

  6. 客户端拥有签名PDF

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我已经阅读Bruno Lowagie的白皮书PDF文档的数字签名这是一个很大的帮助,但我无法弄清楚如何插入签名散列,顺便说一句,这是我唯一拥有的,没有证书,没有任何东西。






您首先必须准备您的PDF ;在此准备步骤中,您将某些结构添加到PDF中,将PDF标记为包含签名并为稍后插入签名容器预留一部分;所有除了该保留区段之外都将被散列:


您只需提供与您的提供商进行通信的 ExternalSignature / IExternalSignature 实施方案:

  public interface IExternalSignature {
$ b $ / **
* @返回哈希算法(例如SHA-1,SHA-256,...)
* /
String GetHashAlgorithm();

/ **
* @返回加密算法(RSA或DSA)
* /
String GetEncryptionAlgorithm();

/ **
* @param消息你想被哈希和签名的消息
* @返回一个签名的消息摘要
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
* /
byte [] Sign (byte []消息);

I'm developing a WebService were a client could sign a PDF, this are the steps:

  1. Client select the pdf to sign
  2. the Web Service Extract the hash from the pdf and send it to an External Provider
  3. the External Provider sign the hash
  4. the External Provider sends back the signed Hash
  5. the Web Service include the signed hash back to the pdf
  6. the Client have the signed PDF

I'd encounter a big problem trying to insert/update the signed hash into the pdf.

I'm using iTextSharp.

I'd already read the white paper "Digital Signatures for PDF documents" from Bruno Lowagie, and it was a great help, but i can't figure it out how to insert the signed hash, wich by the way, is the only thing i have, no certificates, o nothing.

Please, help.



According to your comment your current approach is as follows:

This approach is fundamentally wrong, you already start by calculating the wrong hash!

You first have to prepare your PDF; during this preparation step you add certain structures to the PDF that mark the PDF as containing a signature and reserve a section for the later insertion of a signature container; everything with the exception of that reserved section then is to be hashed:

(For some backgrounds and pointers to additional literature cf. this answer.)

Thereafter a full-blown PKCS#7 / CMS signature container with a signature for that document hash has to be created and inserted in that reserved section.

This is what most of the iText signing code (here in Java) does for you:

PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(dest);
PdfStamper stamper = PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, os, '\0');
// Creating the appearance
PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper.getSignatureAppearance();
appearance.setVisibleSignature(new Rectangle(36, 748, 144, 780), 1, "sig");
// Creating the signature
ExternalDigest digest = new BouncyCastleDigest();
ExternalSignature signature = ...;
MakeSignature.signDetached(appearance, digest, signature, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);

(taken from C2_01_SignHelloWorld.java equivalent to C2_01_SignHelloWorld.cs)

You merely need to provide a ExternalSignature/IExternalSignature implementation communicating with your provider:

public interface IExternalSignature {

     * Returns the hash algorithm.
     * @return  the hash algorithm (e.g. "SHA-1", "SHA-256,...")
    String GetHashAlgorithm();

     * Returns the encryption algorithm used for signing.
     * @return the encryption algorithm ("RSA" or "DSA")
    String GetEncryptionAlgorithm();

     * Signs it using the encryption algorithm in combination with
     * the digest algorithm.
     * @param message   the message you want to be hashed and signed
     * @return  a signed message digest
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException
    byte[] Sign(byte[] message);

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08-22 20:52