

我有一个 C++ 类,我正在尝试使用 SWIG 为 Python 包装它.我在尝试包装以数组作为输入的函数之一时遇到问题.


class dyndiff_data_t{私人的:双H[3];双伽马;双k;双P;民众:dyndiff_data_t(双H_[3],常量双 GAMMA_,常量双 k_,常量双 P_);无效测试();};

这里是 swig 接口文件,

%module twowave%{#define SWIG_FILE_WITH_INIT#include <twowave.h>%}%include "numpy.i"%在里面 %{import_array();%}%apply (double IN_ARRAY1[3]) {(double H_[3])};%include <twowave.h>

问题是对于数组输入,SWIG 抱怨没有类型映射.我不明白为什么.numpy.i 文件取自 herehere>



问题是 numpy.i 中的 typemap 定义了一个两个参数的 typemap,而您正试图将它应用于单个参数.如果您的函数中有参数 int len1 和 double* vec1,这将起作用:

%apply (int DIM1, double* IN_ARRAY1) {(int len, double* H_)}

与其编写自己的 typemap,不如使用 carrays.i.


%typemap(in) double TUPLE[ANY]{...}


%apply double TUPLE[3] {double H_[3]}

在尝试找出不能使用类型映射的原因时,一个不错的起点是使用 -tmsearch 选项运行 SWIG.在尝试匹配您的函数参数时,它会告诉您它在寻找什么.

I have a c++ class that I am trying to wrap for Python using SWIG. I am having trouble trying to wrap one of the functions which takes an array as input.

Here's the header file,

class dyndiff_data_t

        double H[3];
        double GAMMA;
        double k;
        double P;
        dyndiff_data_t(double H_[3],
                        const double GAMMA_,
                        const double k_,
                        const double P_);

        void test();

and here's the swig interface file,

%module twowave
  #include <twowave.h>

%include "numpy.i"
%init %{

%apply (double IN_ARRAY1[3]) {(double H_[3])};

%include <twowave.h>

The problem is that for the array input, SWIG complains that there is no typemap. I don't understand why. The numpy.i file was taken from here and the typemap I am using is described here

Any help would be appreciated.


The problem is that the typemap in numpy.i defines a two argument typemap, and you're trying to apply it to a single argument. This would work if you had parameters int len1, and double* vec1 in your function:

%apply (int DIM1, double* IN_ARRAY1) {(int len, double* H_)}

Rather than writing your own typemap, just use carrays.i.

If you WERE to write a typemap, e.g. to take a tuple of doubles as input, it would look something like:

%typemap(in) double TUPLE[ANY]

in which case you would apply it to your function the way you expect.

%apply double TUPLE[3] {double H_[3]}

A good place to start when trying to figure out why you can't use a typemap is to run SWIG with the -tmsearch option. It will tell you what it's looking for when trying to match your function parameters.


08-22 20:49