

我有一个列作为 NVARCHAR2 的表,并且我用hibernate注释来构建我的对象,当我想要插入到DB或从DB获取结果是就像那个???????,

I have table with a column as NVARCHAR2, and I have build my object with hibernate annotations, When i want to insert into DB or fetch from DB the result is something like that "???????",I have implemented a custom Dialect as follows but it did not work.

public class CustomOracleDialect extends Oracle10gDialect{

    public CMSCustomOracleDialect() {
        registerHibernateType( Types.NVARCHAR, Hibernate.STRING.getName() );
        registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, "nvarchar2($1)" );
        registerColumnType( Types.CLOB, "nclob" );
        registerColumnType( Types.NCLOB, "nclob" );




Might be a little late but I have just come across this issue aswell and I found that can annotate your hibernate class with



这使得你的元素使用 org.hibernate.type.StringNVarcharType 而不是VarChar类型的字符串

which makes your element use org.hibernate.type.StringNVarcharType instead of the VarChar type string

在4.1.10及更高版本中进入休眠状态。因此,它正确地使用了 NVarChar2 类型,否则它将默认返回到VarChar2,然后丢失您的国际字符。

which was introduced into hibernate in release 4.1.10 and above. So that it correctly uses the NVarChar2 type or else it will default back to VarChar2 which then looses your international characters.

解决这个问题的Hibernate Jira:

Hibernate Jira where this was resolved: https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-5869


And Jboss-Hibernate Documentation:https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.3/devguide/en-US/html/ch08.html#value-national-character-types


08-30 05:24