



在IOS下,我希望识别成对的 NSURL ,它们相同或稍有不同但引用相同的目的地。例如 http://google.com vs http://google.com/

Under IOS, I wish to identify pairs of NSURLs that are either identical or differ slightly but refer to the same destination. For instance http://google.com vs http://google.com/.

isEquals 报告这些NSURL是不同的。我也无法找到获得NSURL的规范或规范化形式的方法来比较这些形式。

isEquals reports those NSURLs as diferent. Nor can I find a way to obtain a 'canonical' or 'normalized' form of an NSURL to compare those forms instead.

NSURL *a = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://google.com"];
NSURL *b = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://google.com/"];

if([a isEqual:b]) {
  NSLog(@"Same"); // Not run

if([[a absoluteURL] isEqual:[b absoluteURL]]) {
  NSLog(@"Same"); // Still not run

if([[a URLByStandardizingPath] isEqual:[b URLByStandardizingPath]]) {
  NSLog(@"Same"); // Still not run


How can I compare two NSURLs while ignoring string differences that do not affect the intent of the URL?


根据, http://google.com http:/ /google.com / 是等效的。这就是它所说的(第3.2.3节):

According to RFC 2616, http://google.com and http://google.com/ are equivalent. This is what it says (section 3.2.3):

  • 一个空的端口或未给出等同于该URI引用的默认端口;

  • A port that is empty or not given is equivalent to the default port for that URI-reference;


Comparisons of host names MUST be case-insensitive;


Comparisons of scheme names MUST be case-insensitive;

空的abs_path相当于abs_path的/ 。

An empty abs_path is equivalent to an abs_path of "/".

供参考,语法为 http_URL =http://host [:port] [abs_path [?查询]]

不幸的是, NSURL 必须支持HTTP以外的方案,所以它不能假设RFC 2616提供了通用规则。我认为您最好的解决方法是使用您自己的http网址比较方法创建一个类别,专门检查空的绝对路径。

Unfortunately, NSURL has to support schemes other than HTTP, so it cannot make the assumption that RFC 2616 provides a generic rule. I think your best fix is to create a category with your own compare method for http URLs that specifically checks for an empty absolute path.


08-22 20:23