




I am writing a regex that will be used for recognizing commands in a string. I have three possible words the commands could start with and they always end with a semi-colon.


I believe the regex pattern should look something like this:


我发现的问题是,由于 . 匹配任何字符并且 + 告诉它匹配一个或多个,它会直接跳过 a 的第一个实例分号并继续.

The problem, I have found, is that since . matches any character and + tells it to match one or more, it skips right over the first instance of a semi-colon and continues going.

有没有办法让它在遇到分号的第一个实例处停止?除了 . 之外,还有什么我应该使用的东西吗?

Is there a way to get it to stop at the first instance of a semi-colon it comes across? Is there something other than . that I should be using instead?


您面临的问题是:(command1|command2|command3).+;+ 是贪婪的,这意味着它将匹配所有内容,直到最后一个值.

The issue you are facing with this: (command1|command2|command3).+; is that the + is greedy, meaning that it will match everything till the last value.

要解决此问题,您需要使其不贪婪,为此您需要添加 ? 运算符,如下所示:(command1|command2|command3).+?;

To fix this, you will need to make it non-greedy, and to do that you need to add the ? operator, like so: (command1|command2|command3).+?;

正如仅供参考,这同样适用于 * 运算符.添加一个 ? 将使它不贪婪.

Just as an FYI, the same applies for the * operator. Adding a ? will make it non greedy.


08-22 20:11