


  newtype Zq q = Zq(IntType q)


  class Foo a where 
type IntType a



我发现了两种替代方法。另一种方法是使用使用模板Haskell派生Unbox的实例。 TH代码如下所示:

[d |实例(Foo q,U.Unbox(IntType q))=> Unbox'(ZqBasic q)(IntType q)|]
[| \(Zq x) - > x |]
[| \ x - > Zq x |]



<$ p

$ p> newtype Zq qi = Zq i


  i〜(IntType q)

在每个涉及(Zq qi)的情况下,这不是很优雅。我的(工作)Unbox派生成为

[d |实例(U.Unbox i,i〜IntType q,Foo q)=> Unbox'(Zq q i)i |]
[| \(Zq x) - > x |]
[| \ x - > Zq x |]


除了额外的类型参数,我无法使用TH包为(Vector r)派生Unbox,也就是我想制作Unbox向量的Unbox向量。我的尝试是这样的:

  newtype Bar r = Bar(Vector r)

[d |实例(Unbox r)=> Unbox'(Bar r)(Vector r)|]
[| \(Bar x) - > x |]
[| \ x - > Bar x |]





pre $ new $ q $ q $ Zq(IntType q)派生(Unbox, M.MVector MVector,G.Vector Vector)


  newtype Zq qi = Zq i派生(Unbox,M.MVector MVector,G.Vector Vector)

 没有实例for(p $ p 

(M.MVector MVector(IntType q))
没有实例(G.Vector Vector((IntType q))由数据类型声明的`deriving`子句引起
IntType q))

$ b (M.MVector MVector i)
没有用于(G.Vector U.Vector i)的实例


我不确定为什么它不能派生这些实例,因为上面的帖子让我相信它应该能够。也许我可以放弃使用与GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving相关的类型同义词? (这仍然(可能)不能解决我的问题,当我需要为数据派生Unbox。)







 类型系列F a 
实例Eq(F Int)
实例Eq(F Bool )

这些实例是否重叠?鉴于上述源代码,我们不能说:它取决于某人后来如何为 F 定义实例。例如,他们可以定义

 类型实例F Int = Double 
类型实例F Bool = Double

然后 Eq 的两个实例实际上会重叠。

你遇到 vector-th-unbox 包的问题

如果你看看你想要的实际的 Unbox 实例,你实际上并不希望为 IntType q ;你想要的只是这个:

  instance(Unbox(IntType q),Foo q)=> Unbox(Zq q)其中

问题在于 vector-th-unbox 包迫使您使用假类型类 Unbox'来传递中间表示类型( IntType q ),这是滥用模板Haskell的语法来传递的一种便捷方式。然后GHC看到你写了 Unbox'(Zq q)(IntType q)并且抱怨。我建议为 vector-th-unbox 软件包提交一个错误。

$ b

Unbox for Vector r

我认为Louis Wasserman报道了这一点。

GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving 方法

具体的编译错误是因为GHC无法推断适当的上下文。对于大多数类似于您所遇到的问题, StandaloneDeriving 语言扩展可以解决您的问题:

 派生实例Unbox(IntType q)=> Unbox(Zq q)
派生实例Unbox(IntType q)=> M.MVector MVector(Zq q)
导出实例Unbox(IntType q)=> G.Vector Vector(Zq q)


虽然 GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving 通常完全符合您的要求,但在,它产生的 Unbox 实例是!所以在游说溧阳以解决目前的问题之后,坚持使用TH方法。

I have a datatype

newtype Zq q = Zq (IntType q)

where 'q' will be an instance of the class

class Foo a where
   type IntType a

and 'IntType' is just the underlying representation (i.e. Int, Integral, etc) associated with 'q'.

I want to make Zq an instance of Data.Vector.Unbox. We are currently manually deriving Unbox using about 50 lines of trivial code as suggested in the link above. We will be making several different types 'Unbox' in our code, so writing 50 lines for each type is not appealing.

I found two alternatives here. One alternative is to use this package which uses Template Haskell to derive instances of Unbox. The TH code would look like:

derivingUnbox "Zq"
  [d| instance (Foo q, U.Unbox (IntType q)) => Unbox' (ZqBasic q) (IntType q) |]
  [| \ (Zq x) -> x |]
  [| \ x -> Zq x |]

The problem is, I can't define instances using associated type synonyms (or can I??)

[A related question: Why does TypeSynonymInstances, an extension implied by FlexibleInstances, not allow associated type synonym instances? Is this somehow fundamentally a different beast?]

My current solution to that problem is to redefine Zq as

newtype Zq q i = Zq i

and then add the equality constraint

i~(IntType q)

in every instance involving (Zq q i), which isn't very elegant. My (working) Unbox derivation becomes

derivingUnbox "Zq"
  [d| instance (U.Unbox i, i~IntType q, Foo q) => Unbox' (Zq q i) i |]
  [| \ (Zq x) -> x |]
  [| \ x -> Zq x |]

I feel like I should be able to accomplish this without resorting to explicitly exposing the type 'i'. All I've done is moved it from an associated type synonym to an explicit parameter with equality constraints. Why is this "fundamentally" a different (and apparently safer) approach? Is there some way I can avoid adding the type parameter 'i' and still get automatic Unbox derivation?

Extra type parameter aside, I'm having trouble using the TH package to derive Unbox for (Vector r), that is, I want to make an Unbox Vector of Unbox Vectors. My attempt is something like:

newtype Bar r = Bar (Vector r)

derivingUnbox "Bar"
  [d| instance (Unbox r) => Unbox' (Bar r) (Vector r) |]
  [| \ (Bar x) -> x |]
  [| \ x -> Bar x |]

but I get (lots of) errors like:

`basicUnsafeFreeze` is not a (visible) method of class `Data.Vector.Generic.Base.Vector`

I'm not sure why it can't find this method, when it works just fine for my Zq type.

The second approach listed above is using the extension GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving. The biggest problem I see with this approach is that I have some actual Data (rather than Newtype) that I need to be Unbox. However, just using the extension, I should be able to write

newtype Zq q = Zq (IntType q) deriving (Unbox, M.MVector MVector, G.Vector Vector)

or at least

newtype Zq q i = Zq i deriving (Unbox, M.MVector MVector, G.Vector Vector)

The first leads to the errors:

No instance for (Unbox (IntType q)) arising from the `deriving` clause of a data type declaration
No instance for (M.MVector MVector (IntType q)) ""
No instance for (G.Vector Vector (IntType q)) ""

and the second gives:

No instance for (M.MVector MVector i) ""
No instance for (G.Vector U.Vector i) ""

I'm not sure why it can't derive these instances, as the post above leads me to believe it should be able to. Perhaps I could get away with using the associated type synonym with GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving? (This still (probably) doesn't solve my problem when I need to derive Unbox for 'data's.)

Thanks for your help!


You're running into a few separate problems here:

The TH approach

Yes, class instances for associated type synonyms are illegal

It's true that you can't define class instances for associated type synonyms or type functions, and this is with good reason: the compiler can't tell whether they overlap. For instance:

type family F a
instance Eq (F Int)
instance Eq (F Bool)

Do these instances overlap? Given the above source code, we can't tell: it depends on how someone later defines instances for F. For instance, they could define

type instance F Int = Double
type instance F Bool = Double

and then the two instances of Eq would in fact be overlapping.

You're running into a problem with the vector-th-unbox package

If you look at the actual Unbox instance you want, you don't actually want an instance for IntType q; what you want is simply this:

instance (Unbox (IntType q), Foo q) => Unbox (Zq q) where

The problem is that the vector-th-unbox package forces you to use the fake type-class Unbox' to communicate the intermediate representation type (IntType q in your case), as a convenient way of abusing Template Haskell's syntax to pass in a type. And then GHC sees that you have written Unbox' (Zq q) (IntType q) and complains. I would suggest filing a bug for the vector-th-unbox package.

Unbox for Vector r

I think Louis Wasserman covered this.

The GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving approach

The specific compile error you're having is because GHC can't infer the appropriate context. For most problems similar to the one you're having, StandaloneDeriving language extension would solve your problem:

deriving instance Unbox (IntType q) => Unbox (Zq q)
deriving instance Unbox (IntType q) => M.MVector MVector (Zq q)
deriving instance Unbox (IntType q) => G.Vector Vector (Zq q)

But DON'T do this!

While GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving often does exactly what you want, it is broken in some fundamental ways, and the Unbox instance it produces is completely broken! So stick with the TH approach, after lobbying Liyang for a fix for your current problem.


08-22 19:55