

我遇到了i.here IN @activeInd的问题,我真的需要这个来从StatusOf中提取Y / N,如果这是有道理的,我相信这很简单。但我对如何实现这一目标感到困惑。

I am having an issue with the i.here IN @activeInd, I really need this to pull the Y/N from the "StatusOf" if that makes sense, I am sure this is something simple. But I am stumped on how to accomplish this.

DECLARE @activeInd char(1)
SET @activeInd = ''

SELECT  m.number as NAMENO, m.first as FIRSTNAME, m.last as LASTNAME, m.middle as MIDNAME, m.birthd as PERAGE, m.sex as SEX, b.intdate as BOOKDT,

        when i.curbook  > '0' then 'N'
        when i.curbook  < '0' then 'Y'
        else 'UNDEFINED'
    end AS StausOf

FROM DB.dbo.nmmain m, DB.dbo.jlinmate i, DB.dbo.jlbook b

WHERE b.intdate = (SELECT MAX(b2.intdate)
			   FROM DB.dbo.jlbook b2
			   WHERE m.number = i.namenum)

AND m.first LIKE @firstName + '%'
AND m.last LIKE @lastName + '%'
AND i.here IN ('Y', @activeInd)
AND (@fromDate IS NULL
OR b.intdate BETWEEN @fromDate AND @toDate)
ORDER BY m.last, m.first, m.middle, m.birthd, i.curbook


我遇到了i.here IN @activeInd的问题,我真的需要这个来从StatusOf中提取Y / N,如果这是有道理的,我相信这很简单。但我对如何实现这一点感到难过。

What I have tried:

I am having an issue with the i.here IN @activeInd, I really need this to pull the Y/N from the "StatusOf" if that makes sense, I am sure this is something simple. But I am stumped on how to accomplish this.



AND我在哪里('Y',@ activeInd)

AND i.here IN ('Y', @activeInd)

如果我理解你的问题,你需要用你的案例陈述替换'Y' 。


If I understand your question correctly you will need to replace 'Y' with your case statement.

Also your case statement is comparing a < and > with a string and not a number. Not sure exactly why or what you are trying to do here.


08-22 19:41