通过Crystal报表查看器查看报表时,在公式字段中显示此字段名称未知"错误.它在Crystal Designer窗口中运行时有效.从vb.net应用程序运行时,唯一的区别是它使用了一个临时表,该临时表与报表中的其他表链接.导致错误的公式不是温度表中的字段.有人有什么主意吗?
我将sql server 2008用作数据库
"This field name is not known" error showing in a formula field while viewing the report through the crystal report viewer. It works while running in the crystal designer window. Only difference while running from vb.net application it uses a temperory table that links with other tables in the report. The formula causing error is not a field from the temperory table. Anybody has any ideas?.
I use sql server 2008 as the database