为什么下面的代码没有报告Intellij IDEA与 jdk 1.8.0_121
的未经检查的警告,因为供应商< R> &安培; Serializable
是 T
Why the code below didn't report unchecked warnings by Intellij IDEA with jdk 1.8.0_121
since Supplier<R> & Serializable
is the supertype of T
<T extends Supplier<Integer> & Serializable> T createdBy(AtomicInteger counter) {
// v--- if I removed the first cast expression, I can't compile it
return (T) (Supplier<Integer> & Serializable) counter::incrementAndGet;
// ^--- it should be reports unchecked warnings, but it doesn't
And the following code has reported unchecked cast warnings:
<T, R extends T> R apply(T value) {
return (R) value;
// ^--- unchecked cast
Why this question occurs, the interested thing occurs during I write the code at below for chaining a type with multi-supertypes:
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
Supplier<Integer> serialized = serialized(createdBy(counter));
assert serialized.get() == 1; // ok
assert counter.get() == 0 ; // ok
<T extends Serializable> T serialized(T value) {
return deserialize(serialize(value));
I have searched through the JLS, but I can't find out the exactly favorable evidence. Could someone tell me why?
在IntelliJ IDEA中,java编译器报告未经检查的警告,你需要添加 -Xlint:未经检查的
In IntelliJ IDEA for the java compiler to report unchecked warnings you need to add -Xlint:unchecked
option to the Java Compiler | Additional Command line parameters:
如果您尝试使用它编译它命令行 javac
If you try to compile it using the command line javac
, it will also not report you the warning itself, but will tell how to enable unchecked warnings:
Note: Main.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
如果未指定此选项,IntelliJ IDEA将显示相同的消息:
The same message is displayed by IntelliJ IDEA if this option is not specified:
添加 -Xlint后:取消选中
After you add -Xlint:unchecked
option, the output would change to:
Information:javac 1.8.0_121 was used to compile java sources
Information:01.07.2017 16:07 - Compilation completed successfully with 1 warning in 2s 553ms
Warning:Warning:line (9)java: unchecked cast
required: T
found: java.lang.Object&java.util.function.Supplier<java.lang.Integer>&java.io.Serializable
如您所见,IntelliJ IDEA的行为与命令行 javac完全相同
As you can see, IntelliJ IDEA behaves exactly the same as the command line javac