本文介绍了对于返回类型为Future [Unit]的scala方法,断言的最佳方法是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a method. This method may return Future.failed(.....) or Future.successful(()).

def计算(x:整数,y:整数):未来[单位] = {........}

def calculate(x: Int, y: Int): Future[Unit] = {........}


Now I need to test this method. What is the best way to assert for the test which verifies Future.successful(()) case .


Scalatest提供了几种使用Future s的方法.

Scalatest offers a few ways of working with Futures.

选项1: isReadyWithin

import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

calculate(1, 3).isReadyWithin(1.second) should be(true)


If you wanted to do something with some return value here, you could use whenReady:

implicit val patienceConfig = PatienceConfig(1.second)

def calculateWithResult(i: Int, j: Int): Future[Int] = ???

whenReady(calculateWithResult(1,3)) { result =>
    result should be(4)


You need an implicit PatienceConfig in scope that tells whenReady when to fail the test because of a timeout. I believe there's a default one in one of the scalatest libraries but the time period chosen is quite short - something on the order of 10 milliseconds - and can often cause flaky tests.

选项2: AsyncXSpec


There are Async varieties of the FlatSpec, FreeSpec, FunSpec, etc. traits. They work much as their synchronous varieties except that any test must now return a value of type Future[Assertion]. For instance:

class Test extends AsyncFreeSpec {
  "An asynchronous method" - {
    "should succeed" in {
      calculate(1,3).map { _ =>
        // just want to make sure the future completes


Again, you can run a test against the result here. Note that this variant means that every test in your test class must return a Future, so it's not great if you want to mix synchronous and asynchronous tests. I'm also honestly not sure how AsyncXSpec chooses its timeout value.



I would recommend against using Await.result as it blocks the thread for the duration. To my knowledge, the above two options are designed so asynchronous tests can be easily run in parallel.



You want to be super careful with your timeouts when doing asynchronous testing. Too long, and your tests can end up hanging for ages if something goes wrong. Too short, and your tests will be flaky. And the program may perform differently in different environments, so you might find that a timeout that's perfectly sufficient on your local machine has the tests on the build server failing 5% of the time. Be careful!

这篇关于对于返回类型为Future [Unit]的scala方法,断言的最佳方法是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 18:56