



在另一个问题中,我问mutation-testing 在实践中很有用.由于我没有得到任何让我满意的答案,我想自己检查一下当前的工具.所以我需要一个关于当前现有突变测试框架的概述.其中哪些最有用,为什么?

In another question I asked if mutation-testing is useful in practice. As I didn't get any answers that satisfy me, I want to check the current tools myself. So I need an overview about current existing mutation-test-frameworks. Which of them are most usable and why?

  • 我使用 Java 编程,因此我更喜欢 Java 工具,但我会冒险研究不同语言的有趣框架.
  • 我想集成到一个自动构建过程中,所以我更喜欢可以通过命令行执行的工具.


还有PIT可以通过 maven 插件或命令行界面连接到您的构建中.

There is also PIT which can be hooked into your build via a maven plugin or command line interface.

它提供的报告比其他具有组合突变和行覆盖的可用工具要好得多.它的运行速度也比 Jester 等基于源代码的 Java 工具快得多,大约是 Jumble 的两倍.

It provides much nicer reports than the other available tools with combined mutation and line coverage. It also runs considerably faster than the source based tools for Java such as Jester, and about twice as fast as Jumble.

与 Jumble 和 Javalanche 不同,它还适用于所有主要的模拟框架(Mockito、JMock、EasyMock、PowerMock 和 JMockit).

Unlike the Jumble and Javalanche it also works with all the major mocking frameworks (Mockito, JMock, EasyMock, PowerMock and JMockit).



08-22 18:38