


  • 有一个类X,其属性P1,P2和P3都具有域X.


  • X的每个实例必须至少参与与属性P1或P3之一的关系.
  • 参与X与P2的关系的每个X实例也必须参与与P1的关系.
  • 但是X的每个实例只能参与与P1和P2的关系或与P3的关系.


Maybe it is easier to understand with some syntax and labels:

:Chronology a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "X" ;
:hasBegin a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    rdfs:label "P1" ;
    rdfs:domain :Chronology .
:hasEnd a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    rdfs:label "P2" ;
    rdfs:domain :Chronology .
:hasNoBeginNoEnd a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    rdfs:label "P3" ;
    rdfs:domain :Chronology .


I understand the concept of anonymous classes and restrictions but nothing really seems to fit.



You have a few different constraints here, but they can all be represented in OWL. Let us address the constraints one at a time.

这表示,对于每个 x ,要么有一个 y 这样的 P1(x,y),要么有一个 z 这样的 P2(x,z).在OWL中,这表示为

This says that for every x, either there is a y such that P1(x,y), or there is a z such that P2(x,z). In OWL, this is expressed by

X SubClassOf ((P1 some Thing) or (P2 some Thing))

类表达式P1 some Thing表示P1与某些实体相关的事物的类.对于P2 some Thing同样.总体而言,subClassOf公理说:如果某物是X,则它是P1 some ThingP2 some Thing." (如果需要,您也可以使用P min 1而不是P some Thing.这没有显着差异.)

The class expression P1 some Thing represents the class of things that are related by P1 to some entity. Similarly for P2 some Thing. The subClassOf axiom as a whole says that "if something is an X, then it is either a P1 some Thing or a P2 some Thing." (You could also use P min 1 instead of P some Thing, if you wanted to. It is not a significant difference.)

这表示,对于每个 x if 都有一个 y ,这样 P2(x,y),然后还有一个 z ,如 P1(x,z).换句话说,对于每个 x ,如果 x X 并且有 y 这样的 P2(x,y),然后还有一个 z 这样的 P1(x,z)."这可以由另一个子类公理表示:

This says that for every x, if there is a y such that P2(x,y), then there is also a z such that P1(x,z). Another way of saying this is that "for every x, if x is an X and there is a y such that P2(x,y), then there is also a z such that P1(x,z)." This can be expressed by another subclass axiom:

(X and (P2 some Thing)) SubClassOf (P1 some Thing)

(出于一般性考虑,我在该子类公理的左侧使用了X and (P2 some Thing).在此特定情况下,由于 X P2 的域,我们可以推断P2 some Thing X 的子类,因此我们也可以只在左侧使用P2 some Thing.)

(For the sake of generality, I used X and (P2 some Thing) on the left side of this subclass axiom. In this specific case, since X is the domain of P2, we can infer that P2 some Thing is a subclass of X, so we could also have used just P2 some Thing on the left.)

这表示如果某个 x X ,并且存在一个 y ,则 P3(x,y),则没有 z 这样的 P1(x,z) P2(x,y),反之亦然.您可以通过几种方式来表示.您可以使用两个子类公理:

This says that if some x is an X and there is a y such that P3(x,y), then there is no z such that P1(x,z) or P2(x,y), and vice versa. You can represent this in a few ways. You could use two subclass axioms:

(X and (P3 some Thing))                      SubClassOf ((P1 max 0) and (P2 max 0))
(X and ((P1 some Thing) or (P2 some Thing))) SubClassOf (P3 max 0)

您还可以使用一个不相交的类公理(注意, X 出现在两侧)

You could also use a single disjoint class axiom (notice that X appears on both sides)

(X and (P3 some Thing)) DisjointWith (X and ((P1 some Thing) or (P2 some Thing)))

(正如我在前面的案例中提到的那样,由于属性的域是 X ,所以类X and (P3 some Thing)等效于P3 some Thing.这些子类公理的左侧也可以是只需P3 some Thing(P1 some Thing) or (P2 some Thing),并且不相交的公理中的类可以是P3 some Thing(P1 some Thing) or (P2 some Thing).)

(As I noted in the previous case, since the domain of the properties is X, the class X and (P3 some Thing) is equivalent to P3 some Thing. The left side of these subclass axioms could also be simply P3 some Thing and (P1 some Thing) or (P2 some Thing), and the classes in the disjoint axioms could be P3 some Thing and (P1 some Thing) or (P2 some Thing).)


Here's what the classes and axioms in the ontology looks like (in the N3 format):

:X    a       owl:Class ;
              [ a       owl:Class ;
                owl:unionOf ([ a       owl:Restriction ;
                            owl:onProperty :P1 ;
                            owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing
                          ] [ a       owl:Restriction ;
                            owl:onProperty :P2 ;
                            owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing
              ] .

[]    a       owl:Class ;
              [ a       owl:Restriction ;
                owl:onProperty :P1 ;
                owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing
              ] ;
      owl:intersectionOf (:X [ a       owl:Restriction ;
                  owl:onProperty :P2 ;
                  owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing
                ]) .

[]    a       owl:Class ;
              [ a       owl:Class ;
                owl:intersectionOf (:X [ a       owl:Restriction ;
                            owl:onProperty :P3 ;
                            owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing
              ] ;
      owl:intersectionOf (:X [ a       owl:Class ;
                  owl:unionOf ([ a       owl:Restriction ;
                              owl:onProperty :P1 ;
                              owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing
                            ] [ a       owl:Restriction ;
                              owl:onProperty :P2 ;
                              owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing
                ]) .


如评论中所指出的,上面的本体使用由空白节点表示的类表达式作为两个通用类公理"的主题,即,与两个类表达式相关的子类公理,这两个类都不是简单的类标识符.原始的 OWL Web本体语言参考书包含在附录E:OWL DL本体的经验法则:

Commentary on Blank Node Usage

As pointed out in the comments, the ontology above uses class expressions represented by blank nodes as the subjects of the two "general class axioms", i.e., the subclass axioms that related two class expressions, neither of which is a simple class identifier. The original OWL Web Ontology LanguageReference includes, in Appendix E: Rules of Thumb for OWL DL Ontologies:

  • rdfs:subClassOf,owl:equivalentClass,owl:disjointWith,owl:someValuesFrom,owl:allValuesFrom或rdf:type三元组的对象.
  • 具有对象owl:AllDifferent的rdf:type三元组的主题.
  • rdf:List中的元素.
  • The object of an rdfs:subClassOf, owl:equivalentClass, owl:disjointWith, owl:someValuesFrom, owl:allValuesFrom or rdf:type triple.
  • The subject of an rdf:type triple with object owl:AllDifferent.
  • An element in an rdf:List.


Orphan blank nodes, i.e. those which are not the object of a triple are, in general, not allowed (other than the owl:AllDifferent case described above).

乍看之下,上面提供的本体似乎违反了这一点,因为通用类公理"(其主题不是类标识符的类公理)具有类表达式作为其主题.但是, 3.2类公理部分给出了例如rdfs:subClassOf的语法.公理为

At first glance, it would seem that the ontology provided above violates this, because the "general class axioms" (class axioms whose subject is not a class identifier) have class expressions as their subject. However, section 3.2 Class Axioms gives the syntax of, e.g., rdfs:subClassOf axioms as


这表明附录E 在忽略某些允许孤立空白节点"的情况下是错误的.当然,这个建议不是规范性的.它以引言开头:

This suggests that Appendix E is mistaken in omitting certain cases where "orphan blank nodes" are allowed. That suggestion isn't normative, of course; it opens with the introduction:

为进行确认,我们需要查看 8部分. OWL Full,OWL DL和OWL Lite ,描述了OWL Full,OWL DL和Owl Lite本体中允许的精确构造.该部分重申,在OWL Lite中,

For confirmation, we need to look at section 8. OWL Full, OWL DL and OWL Lite, which describes the precise constructs that are allowed in OWL Full, OWL DL, and Owl Lite ontologies. That section reiterates that, in OWL Lite,

,但是对OWL DL本体没有这样的限制.对于OWL DL本体,第8节确实要求

but puts no such restrictions on OWL DL ontologies. Section 8 does require, for OWL DL ontologies, that


[] rdfs:subClassOf :Foo .

不是有效的OWL DL,但是

is not valid OWL DL, but that

[] a owl:Class ;
   rdfs:subClassOf :Foo .

是(当然,前提是:Fooowl:Class).非规范性的附录E 只是错过了可以使用孤立空白节点"的情况.一般类公理不会经常使用,除非需要表达一些特别复杂的句子,所以这不是一个很难犯的错误.

is (provided that :Foo is an owl:Class, of course). The non-normative Appendix E simply missed a case where "orphan blank nodes" can be used. General class axioms don't get used all that often, except when some particularly complicated sentences need to be represented, so it's not a hard mistake to make.


For some more information about general class axioms, see Being complex on the left-hand-side: General Concept Inclusions.


08-22 18:28