

带有c ++ 17 我们有精美的新 is_invocable 和精美的新prvalue真的不值钱.

With c++17 we have fancy new is_invocable and fancy new prvalues that aren't really values.


This permits you to create an object without having to first logically construct it, then elide the construction.


I have run into a problem where using std::is_invocable to test if you can call something, and prvalue rules, seem to collide:

struct no_move {
  explicit no_move(int) {}
void f( no_move ) {}


now can we ask if f can be invoked using a prvalue of type no_move?

f( no_move(1) )

std::is_invocable< decltype(&f), no_move >不起作用,因为它使用了std::declval<no_move>(),它是类似于no_move&&的x值,而不是类型为no_move的prvalue.

std::is_invocable< decltype(&f), no_move > doesn't work because it uses std::declval<no_move>() which is an xvalue like no_move&& not a prvalue of type no_move.

c ++ 14 相同,但是保证省略可以使某些函数可以使用xvalue调用(即"T&&"),而其他函数可以使用类型为T的prvalue.

In c++14 this was the same, but guaranteed elision makes some functions callable with an xvalue (i.e., "T&&") and others with prvalues of type T.


Is there an alternative, or do we have to invent our own trait to handle this case?


(In a theoretical world where std::declval<T> returned T instead of T&&, is_invocable would, I believe, do the right thing).


是的,您只需要编写自己的不使用declval的特征即可.假设您周围有 std::is_detected (我知道您当然可以这么做) :

Yeah, you'd just have to write your own trait that doesn't use declval. Assuming you have std::is_detected lying around (which I know you certainly do):

template <typename T> T make();

template <typename F, typename... Args>
using invoke_result_t = decltype(std::declval<F>()(make<Args>()...));
//                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^

template <typename F, typename... Args>
using is_invocable = std::is_detected<invoke_result_t, F, Args...>;

这样,std::is_invocable<decltype(f), no_move>false_type,而is_invocable<decltype(f), no_move)>true_type.


I intentionally use declval<F>() for the function instead of make so as to allow using decltype(f) here. Really, invoke_result_t should be more complicated, and "do the right thing" for pointers to members, etc. But this is at least a simple approximation that indicates the viability of this approach.


10-28 12:01