本文介绍了PHP 速记语法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚遇到了这个 在 GitHub 上.

I've just came across this on GitHub.

 ($config === NULL) and $config = Kohana::config('email');


if ($config === NULL) {
    $config = Kohana::config('email');


Is this commonplace? Would I expect other developers looking at my code if I used that first way to instantly know what it was doing?



Took me a second to get it, but that should actually work in just about every programming language. Because the "and" or "or" operators are lazily evaluated, if the statement on the left is false, then there's no need to evaluate the rest of the statements because the whole expression will always be false (false and true is false). Likewise, you can do it with "or", but the statement on the left would have to be true, then the one on the right wouldn't be evaluated.

PS: 在这种情况下,右边的不是真正的布尔表达式并不重要;它只会接受 $config

PS: It doesn't really matter in this case that what's on the right isn't really a boolean expression; it'll just take on the truth value of $config

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08-22 18:10