我创建了一个非常简单的测试应用程序,以试图解决一个同事向我描述了这个问题。他能够引发它在C#中,但我相信他所需要的解决方案更加通用的,希望它严格的XAML完成。问题是:你如何触发情节提要一个用户控件内响应开始的事件在包含窗口控件(父不必是一个窗口,它可以是一个页面或其他用户控件.. 。我使用一个窗口为简单起见)。所以,我的最好的例子是,你有一个按钮的窗口,你的用户控件的一个实例。您希望按钮的Click事件来触发一个故事板里的用户控件开始。
I have created a very simple test app to try and solve this problem described to me by a co-worker. He was able to trigger it in C#, but I believe he needed the solution to be more generic and wanted it to be done strictly in the XAML. The problem was: How do you trigger the Storyboard inside of a UserControl to begin in response to an event on a control in the containing Window (the parent doesn't have to be a Window, it can be a Page or another UserControl...I use a Window for simplicity). So, my best example is that you have a Window with a Button and an instance of your UserControl. You want the Click event of the Button to trigger a Storyboard inside of the UserControl to begin.
Inside of the UserControl itself, the Storyboard is declared as a Resource with the key of MyStoryboard. I created a Button with an EventTrigger to show that I could trigger the Storyboard by referencing it with a Binding expression. Here is the complete XAML for my UserControl:
<UserControl x:Class="UserControlStoryboard.UserControl1"
Height="300" Width="300">
<Storyboard x:Key="MyStoryboard">
<ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="grid" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Grid.Background).Color" From="CadetBlue" To="White" Duration="0:0:2" />
<Grid Background="CadetBlue" x:Name="grid">
<Button Content="Press Me" Height="50">
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.Click">
<Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}" Path="Resources[MyStoryboard]" />
我希望,因为我可以讲一个故事板,开始与粘合EX pression,我应该能够从包含该用户控件作为子元素一个窗口做同样的事情引用它。但我似乎无法弄清楚如何获得一个引用故事板父窗口内。这是不可能完成的XAML中唯一?
I was hoping that since I was able to tell a Storyboard to begin by referencing it with a Binding expression that I should be able to do the exact same thing from a Window that contains this UserControl as a child element. But I can't seem to figure out how to get a reference to the Storyboard inside of the parent Window. Is this impossible to accomplish in XAML only?
The parent window in my test project has nothing but a button and an instance of this UserControl. If it's even possible, which element would let me add an EventTrigger where the source of the event is the Button and the trigger action tells the UserControl's Storyboard to begin?
I think the idea of responding to external events within UserControl is not a very safe one. Within UserControl, you'd want to react only to events that are born within the control.
Can you flip the situation around and do the following: ?
- 在揭露一个需要动画作为一个依赖属性(背景在这种情况下)的UC属性
- 父窗口上创建两个EventTrigger中和故事板