



GCC 4.7.2编译此:

GCC 4.7.2 compiles this:

constexpr int i = 5;
[]{ std::integral_constant< int, i >(); }; // nonstandard: i not captured


constexpr int i = 5;
[&i]{ std::integral_constant< int, i >(); }; // GCC says i not constexpr

后面的例子对我来说是正确的,根据C ++ 11 §5.1.2/ 15:

The latter example appears correct to me, according to C++11 §5.1.2/15:

lambda中的对象 i 是指包含范围中的变量,即 constexpr ,而不仅仅是 const 引用。

It seems the captured object i inside the lambda refers to the variable in the enclosing scope, which is constexpr, not merely a const reference.


The standard explicitly says that the use of a by-value capture is transformed into a use of the corresponding member of the lambda object. And I think that 5.1.2 hints that my interpretation is correct.


Is there anything that explicitly says that whether a capture by reference refers to the object in the enclosing scope or a reference?


第二个模板参数 std :: integer_constant< int,i> 用于非类型表单的模板参数,特别是整数或枚举类型(14.3.2p1 bullet 1),因此必须是 int 类型的转换常量表达式。

The second template-argument to std::integral_constant< int, i > is for a template-parameter of non-type form, specifically of integral or enumeration type (14.3.2p1 bullet 1) and so must be a converted constant expression of type int.

lambda-expression ,当在复合语句(5.1.2p11)中使用odr时发生隐式捕获;在显式模板实例化中使用转换后的常量表达式不是odr-use(3.2p3),所以第一个例子是有效的。

In a lambda-expression, implicit capture occurs when an entity is odr-used in the compound statement (5.1.2p11); use of a converted constant expression in an explicit template instantiation is not odr-use (3.2p3), so the first example is valid.

gcc是不正确的拒绝它; 5.1.2p17在注释中说:

In the second example, I think gcc is incorrect to reject it; 5.1.2p17 says in a note that:


Although the paragraph as a whole is discussing capture by copy, there's no reason not to apply this rule to capture by reference as well. It's unsurprising that the standard is unclear on this; there's really no reason to capture an entity that can be used in a converted constant expression by reference.


08-22 17:33