本文介绍了指向Java LinkedList节点的指针的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在O(1)将n个条目推送到Java LinkedList中.

I am pushing n entries into Java LinkedList at O(1).
There are few unique items i would like to remove later on at O(1).
I though about keeping an array with "pointers" to the unique nodes at the LinkedList so i can later on remove them.
is there a way to do it on LinkedList or any other java class?
I tried storing iterators to the items. So i can use iter.remove(). But i understood that there can be only one iterator on a list at the time.


I know that an easy solution could be implementing link list on my own.But i rather use LinkedList or some other Java class already implemented.


Java List实现在removes *上不提供O(1)性能.使用迭代器,您必须遍历索引(O(n)),使用ArrayList进行删除后移位(O(n)),即使LinkedList是双向链接列表,它不会通过简单地重新分配下一个/最后一个引用来公开删除列表中的节点,而是需要遍历才能找到要删除的节点(O(n)).

The Java List implementations do not offer O(1) performance on removes*. Using an iterator you have to traverse to the index ( O(n) ), with an ArrayList you have an after-remove shift ( O(n) ), and even though LinkedList is a doubly-linked list, it does not expose the nodes in the list for you to be able to remove them directly by simply reassigning the next/last references - a traversal is required to find the node to remove ( O(n) ).


You could write your own MyDoublyLinkedList<MyNode<T>> that did so, exposing the nodes rather than the values contained within, which would allow for O(1) removals if you retained a reference to the node. Indexing is of course O(n) to get something from the list by index. Depending on your use patterns it may be a viable design choice.


Short of that, if you want to use the data structures provided by Java, use a data structure that provides that performance:


If ordering isn't important and there are no duplicate items, use a HashSet (note, however, this does not allow direct indexing at all)


Otherwise, reworking your code to use a Map implementation is probably your best bet.

[*] LinkedListDeque的实现是O(1),用于去除头/尾.

[*] LinkedList and the Deque implementations are O(1) for head/tail removal.



As mentioned above, no, there is no O(1) time complexity remove operation.

原因 在于,除了在最极端的情况下,它是无关紧要的.

The reason for this is that except in the most extreme edge cases, it's irrelevant.

在我5岁的3Ghz台式机上,通过索引(即index = length)在100,000个条目的LinkedList上,最坏情况下的O(n)移除需要0.2ms(第二点). /2)

On my 5 year old, 3Ghz desktop it takes .2ms (point-two) for the worst-case O(n) removal on a LinkedList with 100,000 entries via an index (that is to say, index = length/2)


I start running into windows swapiness disk I/O due to windows memory management on this box if I up it to 1,000,000 entries.


In short, you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist in most cases. This is generally called "Premature Optimization"

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08-22 17:26