

我有一个 NSWindowController ,其中包含几个 NSViewControllers 。我想通过NSWindowController类普遍接受拖放事件,并且不会被 NSTextView (包含在 NSViewController

I have a NSWindowController that contains several NSViewControllers. I would like to universally accept drag and drop events with the NSWindowController class and not be intercepted by other views such as NSTextView (contained in a NSViewController)

如何告诉 NSTextView 忽略拖动&

How can I tell NSTextView to ignore the drag & drop event?


我发现要跳过 NSTextView 的拖放事件的拦截。

I found out that there were two things needed to skip past NSTextView's interception of the drag and drop event.

NSViewController 中,其中包含您的 NSTextView

- (void)awakeFromNib
    [self noDragInView:self.view];

- (void)noDragInView:(NSView *)view
    for (NSView *subview in view.subviews)
        [subview unregisterDraggedTypes];
        if (subview.subviews.count) [self noDragInView:subview];

现在子类化 NSTextView 并添加此方法:

Now subclass your NSTextView and add this method:

- (NSArray *)acceptableDragTypes
    return nil;

NSTextView 应该现在可以正确忽略拖放事件,并由NSWindow处理。

The NSTextView should now properly ignore the drag and drop event and leave it to be handled by the NSWindow.


08-22 16:50