本文介绍了IE4和IE5的CSS解决方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 大家好, 以下网站在最新的IE5,IE6和Firefox上看起来很好。 但是,在旧版本的Internet Explorer中,菜单重叠 文本。有谁知道这是为什么,或者是否有某种类型的 解决方法使得它看起来对所有浏览器都有好处? 网站: http://www.hansstolp.nl/nieuws.php CSS: http://www.hansstolp.nl/templates/style。 css 感谢您的帮助! - Daan 解决方案 你有特别的吗?想要支持IE4的原因? IE版本上涨了4美元到4美元的Netscape版本,所有版本合起来,现在只占大多数读者人数的1%,而且每个月都在减少。 我建议您只需确保您的页面在这些浏览器中可读,而不用担心它们看起来特别好。 最简单的方法是使用 @import完全隐藏CSS。 - Stephen Poley > http://www.xs4all.nl/~ sbpoley / webmatters / 您是否有特殊原因需要支持IE4? IE版本最多4个版本和Netscape版本最多4个版本,所有这些版本合起来,现在只占大多数读者的1%,而且每个月都在减少。 我建议您只需确保您的页面在这些浏览器中可读,而不必担心它们看起来特别好。最简单的方法是使用 @import完全隐藏CSS 。 好​​吧,如果不支持IE4,我可以忍受。但是既然我的叔叔 (我为这个网站制作了这个网站),使用旧版IE5(我认为 IE5.01),我希望网站看起来不错在该版本中,以及 较新的浏览器。我以前在 示例CSS代码中看到了一些针对不同浏览器版本的黑客攻击,但我不知道如何在这种情况下实现哪个hack 。 br /> - Daan 你有特殊的理由想要支持IE4? IE版本最多4个版本和Netscape版本最多4个版本,所有这些版本合起来,现在只占大多数读者的1%,而且每个月都在减少。 我建议您只需确保您的页面在这些浏览器中可读,而不必担心它们看起来特别好。最简单的方法是使用 @import完全隐藏CSS 。 好吧,如果不支持IE4,我可以忍受。但是,自从我的叔叔(我为此网站制作),使用旧版本的IE5(我认为是IE5.01),我希望该网站在该版本中看起来不错,以及更新的浏览器。我以前在示例CSS代码中看到了一些针对不同浏览器版本的黑客攻击,但在这种情况下我不知道如何实现哪个hack 。 好​​的,对于IE5,你通常必须使用宽度值和 填充值,因为它使用了破坏的CSS盒子模型。一旦你弄清楚你需要什么 ,你首先放置IE5特定的位,然后放置Tantek hack, 然后是其他浏览器的值。见 http://w3development.de/css/hide_css_from_browsers/ 有关 hack的详细信息。 - Stephen Poley http://www.xs4all.nl/~sbpoley/webmatters/ Hello everyone,The following website looks fine on the latest IE5, IE6 and Firefox.However, in older versions of Internet Explorer, the menu overlaps thetext. Does anyone know why this is, or if there is some sort of aworkaround such that it looks good for all browsers?Site: http://www.hansstolp.nl/nieuws.phpCSS: http://www.hansstolp.nl/templates/style.cssThanks for any help!--Daan 解决方案Do you have a special reason for wanting to support IE4? IE versions upto 4 and Netscape versions up to 4, all put together, make up barely 1%of most readerships these days, and are decreasing every month.I would recommend that you simply make sure your pages are readable inthose browsers, without worrying about them looking particularly good.The simplest way is to hide the CSS from them completely by [email protected] Poley http://www.xs4all.nl/~sbpoley/webmatters/ Do you have a special reason for wanting to support IE4? IE versions up to 4 and Netscape versions up to 4, all put together, make up barely 1% of most readerships these days, and are decreasing every month. I would recommend that you simply make sure your pages are readable in those browsers, without worrying about them looking particularly good. The simplest way is to hide the CSS from them completely by using @import.Well, if IE4 is not supported, I can live with that. But since my uncle(who I made this site for), uses an older version of IE5 (I thinkIE5.01), I want the site to look good in that version, as well as thenewer browsers. I''ve seen some hacks for different browser versions insample CSS codes before, but I wouldn''t know how to implement which hackin this case.--Daan Do you have a special reason for wanting to support IE4? IE versions up to 4 and Netscape versions up to 4, all put together, make up barely 1% of most readerships these days, and are decreasing every month. I would recommend that you simply make sure your pages are readable in those browsers, without worrying about them looking particularly good. The simplest way is to hide the CSS from them completely by using @import.Well, if IE4 is not supported, I can live with that. But since my uncle(who I made this site for), uses an older version of IE5 (I thinkIE5.01), I want the site to look good in that version, as well as thenewer browsers. I''ve seen some hacks for different browser versions insample CSS codes before, but I wouldn''t know how to implement which hackin this case.OK, for IE5 you typically have to play around with values for width andpadding, as it uses a broken CSS box-model. Once you''ve worked out whatyou need, you place the IE5-specific bits first, then the Tantek hack,then the values for other browsers. See http://w3development.de/css/hide_css_from_browsers/ for details of thehack.--Stephen Poley http://www.xs4all.nl/~sbpoley/webmatters/ 这篇关于IE4和IE5的CSS解决方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-22 16:28