



Expression Web 4是MicroSoft现在提供的最佳网络创作软件吗?如果是这样,是否有可下载的更新?例如,是否有比"帮助"链接更完整的用户指南?有些说明要求我执行
不可用的功能,例如创建新的表单项目。 如果MicroSoft有更好的功能,我不想花费数小时的时间来学习Expression Web 4.

Is Expression Web 4 the best web creation software MicroSoft has to offer right now? If so, are there any downloadable updates? For example, is there a more complete user guide than the one linked to 'Help'? Some of the instructions ask me to perform functions not available, such as for creating a new form project.  I don't want to spend hours and hours trying to learn Expression Web 4 if MicroSoft has something better to offer.



My copy allows me to do everything in the form project section of Help. You may be doing something wrong; you weren't specific about what you can't do. Did you actually create a site and page first to hold the form? Are you working in split view? Not to be smart, but if you're new to the product, it's probably a user error, not a problem with the software (nothing's perfect, but logic implies...).

MS也有Visual Web Developer,但它更倾向于使用代码隐藏开发ASP.NET数据库驱动的站点。 EW是一个网站设计工具,VWD更适合编码,但您可以一起使用它们并在它们之间切换。 VWD的设计工具为

MS also has Visual Web Developer, but that is geared more toward developing ASP.NET database-driven sites with code-behind. EW is a website design tool, VWD is more for coding, but you can use them together and switch between them. And VWD has design tools (but not as good as EW4).


08-22 16:20