

对不起,如果这是一个愚蠢的问题,但我想建立一个个人网站,并以二鸟一石,使用网站来完成我的大学为Web开发类的要求。我想建立使用节点与JS的MongoDB和引导,但我的课程要求在以后的项目我的网站要求我迁移我的项目(​​预计其他同学只设计了使用纯HTML和CSS他们的网站)成.NET框架并使用Microsoft SQL Server作为数据库。

Pardon if it's a dumb question, but I'm trying to build a personal website and, in order to kill two birds with one stone, use the website to fulfill the requirements for a web development class at my university. I want to build my website using Node JS with MongoDB and Bootstrap, but my course requirements at a later project require that I migrate my project (other students are expected to only have designed their website using pure HTML and CSS) into a .NET framework and use Microsoft SQL Server as a database.


I'd like to know whether or not I can wrap or use Node JS inside .NET or if it is feasible for me to fork my personal website to another version utilizing Microsoft technology.




No, you could not "wrap" or use in a practical way Node.JS inside of an ASP.NET web site. While you could theoretically start new processes from ASP.NET that run Node.JS code, it would be an unnecessarily complex setup (as you'd need to manage the processes, threads, etc.).


You can certainly use MongoDB and Bootstrap within an ASP.NET application, so some of your work could be shared.


08-22 15:49