


I'm trying to write a Notification object to a File.The best way I could find was to write the object to a parcel, marshall that parcel to get a byte[] and then write it to a file.

Parcel notif = Parcel.obtain();
notification.writeToParcel(notif, 0);
byte[] notifArray = notif.marshall();

我尝试封送包裹时遇到运行时异常: 试图封送一个包含活页夹对象的包裹."

I get a Runtime exception when I try to marshall the parcel though: "Tried to marshall a Parcel that contained Binder objects."


Is there a better way of writing Notification objects to file? Else, how do I get this approach to work?


该通知包含一个活动/活动活页夹对象.它不是为了用于保存状态(以byte []形式)而是为了IPC的目的而实现了Parcelable.理想情况下,您应该保存必要的字段,而不是对象本身.

The notification contains a live/active binder object. It wasn't built to be used for saving the state (in a byte[]) rather it implements Parcelable for IPC purposes. You should ideally save the necessary fields rather than the object itself.


08-22 15:48