本文介绍了了解VisualStudio 2010中的监视窗口的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我不明白在方括号内的对象的部分是什么意思([bsm :: Material]见下图)。我希望类型MaterialLayer的对象ml只由类型Object(基类)+两个字段厚度和材料(指向Material的指针)的一部分组成。

I cannot understand what the part of the object within square bracket means ( [bsm::Material] see pic below ). I would expect the object ml of type MaterialLayer to be composed only of a part of type Object (base class) + two fields thickness and material (a pointer to Material).

因此,Visual Studio 2010在其Watch窗口中显示的方括号之间是什么?

So, what is the part between square brackets, shown by Visual Studio 2010 in its Watch window?


Here is the definition of the Material, Object, and MaterialLayer classes:

class Object

    // Methods

class Material : public Object
    int type;
    std::string name;
    std::vector<Property *> properties;

    // Methods

class MaterialLayer : public Object
    double thickness;
    Material * material;

    // Methods


看起来像 ml 被声明为 bsm :: MaterialLayer * ,但是类型为 bsm :: Material * 通过类型转换分配给它:

It looks like ml is declared as bsm::MaterialLayer*, but a pointer of type bsm::Material* was assigned to it by typecasting:

bsm::MaterialLayer *ml;
bsm::Material *foo;
ml = (bsm::MaterialLayer *)foo;

这在编译时不会产生typecast错误,但几乎肯定会导致错误, thickness material

This does not generate a typecast error in compile-time but will almost certainly lead to errors like nonsense values in thickness and material.


However, since they both share a common parent, Watch shows its real child in square brackets.

这篇关于了解VisualStudio 2010中的监视窗口的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 15:37