本文介绍了为什么我们不能在Java 8流中抛出异常?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Person result = persons.stream()
                  .filter(x -> {
                    if ("test".equals(x.getName() ) ) {
                      throw new IOException("not possible inside stream y ?"); //any checked exception
                    //code here


M looking for reason why it is not being allowed ? Even if method in which code is declared throws IOException


您的代码运行正常,除了throw new ...行末尾缺少半角冒号,而且缺少可能被隐藏的return语句在// code here中.

your code is working perfectly, apart from a missing semi colon at the end of the throw new ... line, and from a missing a return statement that may be hidden in // code here.


What you can't do is throw a checked exception (which RuntimeException is not) because checked exception are part of the method signature and the Predicate.test method do not declare one.


EDIT :To see more precisely what is happening and why you can't throw a checked exception here, here is how you could have written the code without lambda :


public Person myMethod() throws IOException {
    Person result = persons.stream()
              .filter(x -> {
                if ("test".equals(x.getName() ) ) {
                  throw new IOException("not possible inside stream y ?"); //any checked exception
                //code here
                return true;
    return person;


public Person myMethod() throws IOException {
    Person result = persons.stream()
              .filter(new Predicate<Person>() {
                  public boolean test(Person x) {
                      if ("test".equals(x.getName() ) ) {
                          throw new IOException("not possible inside stream y ?"); //any checked exception
                      //code here
                      return true;
    return person;


As you can see, the code inside the lambda expression is now inside the test method of an anonymous Predicate class, which is not declaring any checked exception.


Why Predicate ? Because it is what the filter method is expecting, and you can use a lambda instead of a conventional object because it is a single method interface : only test is abstract, and your lambda signature should be the same as the Predicate.test method.


If you really wish to be able to handle checked exceptions, the linked post (in a comment from Frederico) show some ways to bypass these limitations.

这篇关于为什么我们不能在Java 8流中抛出异常?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 15:30