我只是想知道为什么我们通常在两个布尔值之间使用逻辑 OR ||
而不是按位 OR |
I'm just wondering why we usually use logical OR ||
between two booleans not bitwise OR |
, though they are both working well.
I mean, look at the following:
if(true | true) // pass
if(true | false) // pass
if(false | true) // pass
if(false | false) // no pass
if(true || true) // pass
if(true || false) // pass
if(false || true) // pass
if(false || false) // no pass
吗?与 &
和 &&
Can we use |
instead of ||
? Same thing with &
and &&
如果您使用 ||
和 &&
形式,而不是 |
和 &
形式的这些运算符,Java 不会费心单独计算右侧操作数.
If you use the ||
and &&
forms, rather than the |
and &
forms of these operators, Java will not bother to evaluate the right-hand operand alone.
It's a matter of if you want to short-circuit the evaluation or not -- most of the time you want to.
A good way to illustrate the benefits of short-circuiting would be to consider the following example.
Boolean b = true;
if(b || foo.timeConsumingCall())
//we entered without calling timeConsumingCall()
正如 Jeremy 和 Peter 提到的,短路的另一个好处是空引用检查:
Another benefit, as Jeremy and Peter mentioned, for short-circuiting is the null reference check:
if(string != null && string.isEmpty())
//we check for string being null before calling isEmpty()
这篇关于为什么我们通常使用 ||结束|?有什么不同?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!