

本文介绍了无法在Swift 2项目中使用Objective-C Pod框架(“使用未声明类型的'SMPageControl'")的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个在Xcode 7上运行的Swift 2项目.我正在使用CocoaPods(带有use_frameworks!的v0.38.2),并且已经设法使这些框架正常工作:

I have a Swift 2 project running on Xcode 7. I'm using CocoaPods (v 0.38.2 with use_frameworks!) and have already managed to get those frameworks working:

  • CryptoSwift
  • Pluralize_swift


Both Pods are written in Swift, so no problems so far. They work as charm.

现在,我正在尝试使用用Objective-C编写的 SMPageControl .我已经看到可以在Swift 2中使用Obj-C Pods ,尝试了许多不同的组合,但我无法使其正常工作. SMPageControl类不会显示自动完成建议,很显然,当我尝试使用它时,编译器会抛出 Use of undeclared type 'SMPageControl' .

Now I'm trying to use SMPageControl which is written in Objective-C. I've seen it's possible to use Obj-C Pods with Swift 2, tried a lot of different combinations but I can't get it to work. SMPageControl class doesn't show on autocomplete suggestions, and obviously when I try to use it the compiler throws Use of undeclared type 'SMPageControl'.


  1. pod 'SMPageControl'添加到了我的Podfile
  2. Ran pod install(我可以在Xcode项目树上看到Pod的源代码/框架)
  3. 在构建阶段"中添加了SMPageControl.framework>将二进制文件与库链接"(就像我对其他可用框架所做的那样)
  4. 创建了PROJECT_NAME-Bridging-Header.h并将其添加到项目的构建设置"中(我可以说它正在工作,因为在我正确导入SMPageControl之前它抛出了错误)
  5. 在上面的文件中添加了#import <SMPageControl/SMPageControl.h>
  1. Added pod 'SMPageControl' to my Podfile
  2. Ran pod install (I can see the Pod source/framework on Xcode project tree)
  3. Added SMPageControl.framework in Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries (as I've done with the other frameworks that work)
  4. Created PROJECT_NAME-Bridging-Header.h and added it on the project's Build Settings (I can tell it's working because it threw errors until I got to import SMPageControl correctly)
  5. Added #import <SMPageControl/SMPageControl.h> to the file above

到目前为止,项目编译没有错误,但是我无法在Swift类中使用SMPageControl.在Swift文件中尝试了import SMPageControl,但是没有运气(它甚至不会自动完成).我知道有可能,但是我没有找到任何示例代码.

Up to here the project compiles without errors, but I can't get to use SMPageControl in my Swift classes. Tried import SMPageControl in the Swift file, but no luck (it doesn't even autocomplete). I understood it's possible, but I didn't find any example codes.


Is it really possible? If so, what am I missing?



Finally got it to work, it turns out that I was actually missing something.

完成上述所有步骤,需要import Swift文件顶部的框架:

Along with all steps above, it's needed to import the framework at the top of the Swift file:

import SMPageControl


Since Xcode was not providing any autocomplete I thought it wouldn't be possible to do that. Once I added the import statement, the project compiled successfully and I was able to use SMPageControl() class.

这篇关于无法在Swift 2项目中使用Objective-C Pod框架(“使用未声明类型的'SMPageControl'")的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 14:09