本文介绍了Python strip 函数的奇怪行为的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


python str.strip 奇怪的行为


st = '55000.0'
st = st.strip('.0')
print st

当我执行时,它只打印 55 但我希望它打印 55000.我认为 strip 中的 dot 导致了这种情况,因为我们通常在 Regular Expressionescape 它,所以我也尝试了 st = st.strip('\.0') 但仍然给出相同的结果.任何想法为什么它不只是条带化 .0 以及为什么所有零条带化??

When i execute, it print only 55 but i expect it to print 55000. I thought that the dot in strip causing this as we usually escape it in Regular Expression so i also tried st = st.strip('\.0') but still is giving same results. Any ideas why it is not just striping .0 and why all zeros striped??


您误解了 strip() - 它从两端删除任何指定字符;这里没有正则表达式支持.

You've misunderstood strip() - it removes any of the specified characters from both ends; there is no regex support here.

您要求它去除两端的 .0,所以它确实 - 并留下了 55.

You're asking it to strip both . and 0 off both ends, so it does - and gets left with 55.

有关详细信息,请参阅官方 String 类文档.

See the official String class docs for details.

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08-22 14:04