



在抽象类中,我必须将哪个访问修饰符用于方法,所以子类可以决定它是否应该公开?是否可以在 Java 中覆盖"修饰符?

Which access modifier, in an abstract class, do I have to use for a method,so the subclasses can decide whether it should be public or not? Is it possible to "override" a modifier in Java or not?

public abstract class A {

    ??? void method();

public class B extends A {
    public void method(){
        // TODO

public class C extends B {
    private void method(){
        // TODO


I know that there will be a problem with static binding, ifsomeone calls:

// Will work
A foo = new B()

// Compiler ?
A foo = new C();


But maybe there is another way. How I can achieve that?



It is possible to relax the restriction, but not to make it more restrictive:

public abstract class A {
    protected void method();

public class B extends A {
    public void method(){    // OK

public class C extends A {
    private void method(){    // not allowed

使原始方法 private 也不起作用,因为这种方法在子类中不可见,因此不能被覆盖.

Making the original method private won't work either, since such method isn't visible in subclasses and therefore cannot be overriden.

我建议使用 interfaces 来选择性地公开或隐藏方法:

I would recommend using interfaces to selectively expose or hide the method:

public interface WithMethod {
    // other methods
    void method();

public interface WithoutMethod {
    // other methods
    // no 'method()'

public abstract class A {
    protected void method();

public class B extends A implements WithMethod {
    public void method(){

public class C extends B implements WithoutMethod {
    // no 'method()'


... then only work with the instances through the interfaces.


08-22 13:46