


sieve [] = []
sieve (a:x) = a : sieve [y| y <- x, y `mod` a > 0]


I want to convert this code to recursive implementation or using higher order functions such as map and filter. I can't figure out how do I do this.


I have tried this way but it wont seem to work

sieve (a:x) = f x : map f xs where f = y `mod` a > 0



In addition to Chris' fine answer, which boils down to "understand what the code is doing and intuit the correct translation", there is a much more mechanical translation you can do. The behavior of list comprehensions is specified in the Haskell Report:

[e | True]         =  [e]
[e | q]            =  [e | q, True]
[e | b, Q]         =  if b then [e | Q] else []
[e | p <- l, Q]    =  let ok p = [e | Q]
                          ok _ = []
                      in concatMap ok l
[e | let decls, Q] =  let decls in [e | Q]

其中, e 覆盖整个表达式, p 覆盖模式, l 覆盖列表值表达式, b 覆盖布尔表达式,声明列表中的 decls ,限定词中的 q 和限定词序列中的 Q . ok 是一个新变量.函数 concatMap 和布尔值 True Prelude 中定义.

where e ranges over expressions, p over patterns, l over list-valued expressions, b over boolean expressions, decls over declaration lists, q over qualifiers, and Q over sequences of qualifiers. ok is a fresh variable. The function concatMap, and boolean value True, are defined in the Prelude.


Here's how those rules would apply to your code.

[y | y <- x, y `mod` a > 0]
= { fourth equation }
let ok y = [y | y `mod` a > 0]
    ok _ = []
in concatMap ok x
= { second equation }
let ok y = [y | y `mod` a > 0, True]
    ok _ = []
in concatMap ok x
= { third equation }
let ok y = if y `mod` a > 0 then [y | True] else []
    ok _ = []
in concatMap ok x
= { first equation }
let ok y = if y `mod` a > 0 then [y] else []
    ok _ = []
in concatMap ok x

此过程完成后,您将没有列表理解.然后,我们可以开始应用我们知道的其他转换;例如,这里的 ok 的第二个子句似乎是无效代码,因此:

After this process, you're left with no list comprehensions. Then we can start applying other transformations we know about; for example, the second clause of ok here seems to be dead code, so:

= { dead code elimination }
let ok y = if y `mod` a > 0 then [y] else []
in concatMap ok x
= { inlining }
concatMap (\y -> if y `mod` a > 0 then [y] else []) x

从这个版本的代码到 filter ,您是否可以实现直观的飞跃,这当然是另一个问题!但是没有必要进行飞跃:此 concatMap 版本完全没有列表理解,其行为与原始版本完全相同.

Whether you can make the intuitive leap from this version of the code to filter is of course another question entirely! But it's not necessary to make that leap: this concatMap version has no list comprehensions left at all and behaves exactly the same as the original.



09-07 02:26