

本文介绍了C ++ - 好的还是坏的做法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




  / code>和 CLiteralToken 。

如果您随后使用 aTokens [nI] - > doSomething();

I'm facing situations where i'm finding it handy to store the type (as an enum) of an object in the base class to further cast a pointer to that base class into a subclass pointer depending on the value of that type.

For example :

class CToken
   token_type_e eType;

class COperatorToken : public CToken
    // Sub class specific stuff

class CLiteralToken : public CToken
    // Sub class specific stuff

And then

vector<CToken *> aTokens;


for( size_t nI = 0, nMaxI = aTokens.size(); nI < nMaxI; ++nI )
   switch( aTokens[ nI ]->eType )
   case E_OPERATOR :
      // Do something with sub-class specific stuff.
   case E_LITERAL :
      // Do something with sub-class specific stuff.

Is it a bad practice ?

Thank you :)


Say i'm analyzing my token list. At some point i'll want to check if the current token is an operator using, as people suggest, a virtual function virtual bool isOperator().Now if it IS an operator, i will want to access that sub class specific stuff to find out, for example, which type of operator it is. In that case, what can i do ? I can't add a method getOperatorType() in my base class, that wouldn't make sense. Is there another way than casting to subclass to retrieve that sub class member value ?


A type-field really defeats the object orientated nature of C++. Normally you can solve this with polymorphism:

In CToken define a function virtual doSomething(), with appropriate arguments and return type.

Implement that function in COperatorToken and CLiteralToken.

The runtime will call the appropriate function if you then use aTokens[ nI ]->doSomething();

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08-22 13:28