




Using Resharper 4.1, I have come across this interesting warning: "Access to a static member of a type via a derived type". Here is a code sample of where this occurs:

class A {
    public static void SomethingStatic() {
       //[do that thing you do...]

class B : A {

class SampleUsage {
    public static void Usage() {
        B.SomethingStatic(); // <-- Resharper warning occurs here


Does anybody know what issues there are (if any) when making use of A's static members via B?


一个地方,它可能会被误导是当静是一个工厂的方法,例如在的WebRequest 类有一个工厂方法创建这将允许写入这种类型的代码,如果通过一个派生类访问

One place where it might be misleading is when the static is a factory method, e.g. the WebRequest class has a factory method Create which would allow this type of code to be written if accessed via a derived class.

var request = (FtpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("ftp://ftp.example.com");

下面要求的类型为的FtpWebRequest ,而是因为它看起来就像是从的HttpWebRequest (兄弟姐妹类)创建它的混乱,即使创建方法实际上是定义在的WebRequest (基类)。下面的代码是意义相同,但更清楚:

Here request is of type FtpWebRequest but it's confusing because it looks like it was created from an HttpWebRequest (a sibling class) even though the Create method is actually defined on WebRequest (the base class). The following code is identical in meaning, but is clearer:

var request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("ftp://ftp.example.com");


Ultimately there's no major problem accessing a static via a derived type, but code is often clearer by not doing so.


08-22 13:24