



在Stackoverflow上已经有很多关于使用Java中 Optional 的正确方法的讨论(如,)

There were already quite a few discussions on Stackoverflow about proper ways of using Optional in Java (Discussions like this one, or this)

到目前为止,在Java中为类成员使用 Optional 被广泛认为是一种代码味道,甚至由于它故意没有实现 Serializable 接口而被劝阻.另外,我们应该避免在DTO,构造函数和方法的输入参数中使用它.从OOP的角度来看,到目前为止,我所读到的有关 Optional 的所有内容都吸引了我的理由.

As of now, using Optional for class members in Java is widely recognized as a code smell and even discouraged by fact that it deliberately does not implement Serializable interface. Also, we should avoid it in DTOs, constructors and methods' input parameters. From OOP point of view everything I have read so far about Optional appeals to my reason.

我的问题是,Scala的FP方面是否会以我们应该使用 Optional 的方式进行某些更改?特别是因为在Scala中实现 Optional 似乎更加丰富.我发现很多文章描述了如何在Scala中使用它,但是没有一个单独的主题详尽列出了何时我应该使用它和何时我应该不会.

My question is, does FP side of Scala change something in a way we should use Optional ? Especially since implementation of Optional in Scala seems to be way richer. I have found plenty of articles describing how to use it in Scala, but not a single one that exhaust topic when should I use it and when should I not.



Option字段具有用例;他们本质上不是坏的.但是,即使几个完善的库(例如 ScalaTest )定义具有Option字段的类,后者(IMO)往往是一种代码味道,因为他们常常为了自己的利益而做太多事情.

Short answer

Option fields have use cases; they're not intrinsically bad. However, even though several well established libraries (e.g. ScalaTest) define classes with Option fields, the latter, IMO, tend to be a code smell, as they often try to do too much for their own good.


In many cases, a type containing optional fields can easily and advantageously be replaced by an algebraic data type.


Consider a business domain dealing with accounts. An account starts its life one day as an open account, but may eventually be closed. Accounts, among other data, contains the dates on which they were open and closed, where applicable.


Here is an implementation of an account, using an Option field:

final case class Account(openedOn: LocalDate, closedOn: Option[LocalDate], ...)


We also have an account service, which defines, among other things, a close method:

trait AccountService {
  // ...
  def close(account: Account): Account


This approach is problematic, for a number of reasons. One problem is that Account isn't particularly performant: because closedOn is a "boxed" type, you have one level of indirection too many, so to speak. Moreover, Account's memory footprint is less than ideal: a "closed account" contains a pretty uninteresting value (None), which is a waste of space.


Another, more serious, problem is that the close method cannot enforce, at the type level, that the parameter be an "open account" and the result be a "closed account". You would have to write tests to check that this business rule is enforced by your implementation.


sealed trait Account { ... }

final case class OpenAccount(openedOn: LocalDate, ...) extends Account

final case class ClosedAccount(openedOn: LocalDate, closedOn: LocalDate, ...) extends Account

这个小的ADT解决了性能问题,但是还有更多...您现在可以在类型级别对业务规则进行编码!这是使非法国家无法代表(这是Yaron Minsky的短语)的一个示例.因此,您的服务的API更具表现力,并且 难于滥用 :

This small ADT remedies the performance problem, but there is more... You can now encode the business rule at the type level! This is an example of making illegal states unrepresentable (a phrase attributed to Yaron Minsky). As a result, your service's API becomes more expressive and harder to misuse:

trait AccountService {
  // ...
  def close(account: OpenAccount): ClosedAccount


This example may be sufficient to convince you that the second approach is preferable, and that Option fields are best avoided (or, at least, used sparingly).


For more more about eliminating optional fields towards making illegal states unrepresentable, see

  • Yaron Minsky's blogpost
  • Scott Wlaschin's blogpost
  • Richard Feldman's elm-conf 2016 talk (skip to the 21'25'' mark, then rewind and watch the whole talk for great good!)


08-22 13:04