



在C ++中,在堆栈上,为一个简单的变量分配了一个内存地址,以便我们可以使用指针来包含该内存以指向它;那么指针还被分配了一个内存地址吗?

In C++, on the stack, a simple variable is assigned a memory address so that we can use a pointer to contain this memory to point to it; then is a pointer also assigned a memory address?


If yes, can we have a pointer of pointers?



Yes, you are right. We can have pointers to pointers:

int a;
int b;
int * pa = &a;
int ** ppa = &pa;

// set a to 10
**ppa = 10;

// set pa so it points to b. and then set b to 11.
*ppa = &b;
**ppa = 11;

从右到左读取它: ppa是一个指向int的指针.不限于**.您可以根据需要设置任意多个级别. int ***将是指向int 的指针的指针.

Read it from right to left: ppa is a pointer to a pointer to an int . It's not limited to ** . You can have as many levels as you want. int *** would be a pointer to pointer to pointer to int .


I answered a similar question regarding whether primitive variables have addresses here:Is primitive assigned a memory address?, the same applies to pointers too. In short, if you never take the address of an object, the compiler doesn't have to assign it an address: It can keep its value in a register.


08-22 12:50