




in my tomcat startup, i set -xms , -xmx to 1GB. inside visualvm when i monitor memory

  1. 当我进行内存采样时,它不会显示准确的内存使用情况,直到我按快照",然后利用内存的Java类才会显示正确的模式和实例计数.为什么会这样?

  1. when i do sampling of memory, it doesnt show accurate memory usage, until, if i press 'snapshot', and then the java classes that utilizing memory showing correct patterns and instances count. why like this?


also, as i set tomcat memory to 1gb, memory keep on increasing ing zip-zat and go up aroudn 960mb. until i press "perform gc" and the memory back to 200mb..


do you think needed to create scheduler to force hit perform.gc() on jvm ,everday at midnight?



我相信您在这里看到的是并发的Garbage Collector正在清理年轻一代,但是堆一直在搅动,因此无法容纳所有对象旧版本集合的参考.当您单击perform GC按钮时,您正在执行世界停止"收集,该收集将阻塞所有线程,冻结堆,并允许进行更大的收集.我在这里主要担心的是-是否会在x个小时后进行大量收集?您是否看到堆较小的OutOfMemory错误?

What I believe you see here is the concurrent Garbage Collector is doing young generation cleanups, but the heap is constantly churning so it can't get a hold of all the references for an old generation collection. When you hit the perform GC button you're doing a "stop-the-world" collection which blocks all the threads, freezing the heap, and allowing a much larger collection to occur. My main concerns here would be - does a large collection ever occur (after x hours)? Are you seeing OutOfMemory errors with a smaller heap?


1) Do you have the auto refresh button turned on? It may also be that profiler does a small GC (Eden space) before taking a snapshot.


2) This is perfectly normal. Garbage collection takes time and resources (processor cycles). If you've set your heap to a large size, it will wait until it reaches some percentage of that until triggering a garbage collection itself. I think the default free space to live object ratio is between 40% and 70% I know tomcat specifically changed the way it does garbage collection around version 5, tomcat v4 had performance issues because it spent a lot of time running the garbage collector. You may want to do some research here and see if tomcat has custom garbage collection options.


3) No. A nearly full heap is exactly what you're striving for. It may make sense to make the heap smaller so that a full garbage collection doesn't take such a long time. It's trade-off between lots of garbage collections (pauses) and lengthy garbage collections (long pauses). Each app is different, so I generally start with the defaults and tweak as needed. There are lots of options for garbage collection (and alternate collectors) if you're interested.

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08-22 12:49