



我希望做基本的眼动跟踪在Android中使用OpenCV的API。我发现,似乎有使用OpenCV的在Andriod的两种方式,可以通过使用自己的C ++包装或使用JavaCV API。我愿意做任何,但我找一些想法或样品code,以我怎么会跟踪基本眼球运动与任何平台。我倾向于在JavaCV API,因为它看起来更容易使用,但我真的可以使用某种教程使用它与Android的基础知识。

I'm looking to do basic eye tracking in android using the OpenCV api. I've found that there seem to be two ways to use opencv in Andriod, either by using their c++ wrapper or by using JavaCV api. I'm willing to do either but I'm looking for some idea or sample code as to how i would track basic eye movement with either platform. I'm leaning toward the JavaCV api because it looks easier to use but I could really use some sort of tutorial on the basics of using it with android.


假设你已经调查了JNI(Java本地接口),JavaCV是完全一样的东西作为OpenCV的。根据眼睛跟踪,你将需要获得来自摄像机的实况视频,并找到了参与者的眼睛使用模板匹配和眨眼检测帧。你将不得不让你的视图实现相机。previewCallback 为了得到相机饲料暂停。

Assuming you already looked into JNI (Java Native interface), JavaCV is exactly the same thing as OpenCV. As per eye tracking, you will need to get the live video feed from the camera and locate the participant's eyes in the frames using template matching and blink detection.You will just have to make your View implements Camera.PreviewCallback in order to get a hold on the camera feed.

借助 OpenCV的网站上的眼动追踪提供了一些示例codeS,这将帮助你跟踪眼睛。

The OpenCV Site on eye tracking provides some sample codes that will help you track the eyes.


If you want to see an example of opencv on android, click on this open source code.



08-22 12:43