本文介绍了静态成员变量在c ++中的本地类内?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I know we cannot declare a static member variable inside a local class...but the reason for it is not clear.



Also, why can't we access a non-static variable define inside the function, within which the local class has been defined,directly in the local class member functions?


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    static size_t staticValue = 0;

    class Local
         int d_argc; // non-static data members OK
         enum // enums OK
             value = 5
         Local(int argc) // constructors and member functions OK
         : // in-class implementation required
               // global data: accessible
               cout << "Local constructor\n";
               // static function variables: accessible
               staticValue += 5;
         static void hello() // static member functions: OK
            cout << "hello world\n";
   Local::hello(); // call Local static member
   Local loc(argc); // define object of a local class.
   return 0;


Static variable staticValue is directly accessible while on the other hand argc argument from main is not....


这两个问题是相关的。我相信答案不清楚,因为C ++中的 static 关键字具有重载的含义。

The two questions are related. I believe the answer is not clear to you because the static keyword in C++ has overloaded meanings.


When you define a static variable inside the function, you're really telling the compiler to initialize it only in the first call (so you can use the value across multiple calls). This is not exactly the same of the case of a file-scope or class-scope static variable.


With this in mind it might not make sense to define a static variable inside a local class, which is in turn defined inside a function.


Regarding your second question, a local class actually can access static variables defined in its enclosing function. The code below, for example, should compile in a standards-compliant compiler.

void f()
  static int i;
  class local
    int g() { return i; }

  local l;
  /* ... */

int main()
  return 0;

这篇关于静态成员变量在c ++中的本地类内?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 12:41