i have a few questions. I have a setup with an asp.net core application with identityserver4 and EF. that works fine. Now i want to know which way i have to store items in the database.
i have seven tables for identity database:
AspNetUSerRoleClaims - claims for roles (which roles has access to what)
AspNetRoles - roles of the user
AspNetUserClaims - claims of the user like firstname, country
AspNetUserLogins - how to use this table?
AspNetUserRoles - roles for users
AspNetUsers - user stored here
AspNetUserTokens - how to use this table
Now i have registered a user and a few roles in the database and set the connection to the AspNetUserRoles (which role has the user).Now i want to add more information to the user through the registration like country, given_name, family_name. But where i have to store them. only in the AspNetUserClaims or should i store the information in the AspNetUser table (through ApplicationUser and a extra column in the AspNetUser table)?
And how can i store items in the AspNetLogin and AspNetToken table or is this automatically done by the Identityserver?
I have a similar problem and have posted a related article.
What I can say is this ...
- AspNet *表是为普通的AspNet身份验证创建的(即,如果您不使用其他身份验证机制或自定义用户存储)
- 如果要将列添加到AspNetUsers表,则扩展IdentityUser类. (例如,公共类MyApplicationUser:IdentityUser),然后添加您的自定义属性(例如,FirstName).这实质上改变了模型.为了确保EF将模型更改写入数据库表,您需要使用新的MyApplicationUser类扩展IdentityDbContext类.
- 如果要将用户的自定义声明(例如hair_color)添加到AspNetUserClaims表中,则需要调用userManager.AddClaimAsync().您可以在注册过程或登录过程中使用表单中的数据,或从外部身份验证提供商(例如Google,Facebook,Twitter等)收到的声明中进行此操作.
- 通常,如果您使用的是IdentityServer,则不使用AspNetUserTokens表,因为IDS的主要职责是发行和验证令牌(id_tokens,access_tokens等)
Hope this helps getting you started.
I'm trying to figure out if its best practice to add additional user information to the entity (ie AspNetUsers) or to add them as claims in AspNetUserClaims.
这篇关于具有identityserver4的ASP.Net Core MVC身份的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!