I am trying to return the columns count on a range, sometimes I need one range, but, sometimes I need more than one range.
I have put in optional ranges so I can choose multiple ranges. If I reference a range in the function prototype that I have not supplied in the spreadsheet I get the #Value! error.
I need a way to check if the optional ranges are null, void empty etc. so I don't have to reference the range.
This is the VBA Function Prototype:-
Function GetColoumnCount(ARange1 As Range, Optional ARange2 As Range, Optional ARange3 As Range, Optional ARange4 As Range) As Integer
Dim Result As Integer
Result = 0
Result = ARange1.Columns.Count ' This works
Result = ARange1.Columns.Count + ARange2.Columns.Count ' This doesn't work
GetColoumnCount = Result
End Function
在我的电子表格中,我必须在一个单元格中输入此内容才能使用该功能.=GetColoumnCount(BC34:BK34, BC35:BD35, BE35:BF35, BG35:BH35)
In my spreadsheet I have to enter this in a cell for the function to work.=GetColoumnCount(BC34:BK34, BC35:BD35, BE35:BF35, BG35:BH35)
this defeats the purpose of having optional arguments.
Function GetColoumnCount(ARange1 As Range, Optional ARange2 As Range, Optional ARange3 As Range, Optional ARange4 As Range) As Long
Dim Result As Long
Result = 0
Result = ARange1.Columns.Count ' This works
If Not ARange2 Is Nothing Then
Result = Result + ARange2.Columns.Count
End If
GetColoumnCount = Result
End Function