


I'm trying to understand injection of a friend declaration into a namespace:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

namespace Z { //forward declaration
  class X;

class Y {
   void func(Z::X*, int);

namespace Z {
  class X {
    int i;
    X() : i(999) {}
    friend void Y::func(Z::X*, int);
    void print(void) { cout << i << endl; }

void Y::func(Z::X* ptr, int i)
  ptr->i = 40;

int main(void)
  Z::X zx;

  Y y;
  y.func(&zx, 40);

  using namespace Z;
//  func(&zx, 30); DOES NOT WORK

这是什么意思?我试过Y :: func,但也许只适用于

What exactly does this mean?? I tried Y::func but that perhaps works only forstatic member functions??


C ++ 11标准7.3.1.2(3)说:

C++11 Standard (3) says:

如果在非本地类中的一个朋友声明首先声明一个类或函数 [footnote:

"If a friend declaration in a nonlocal class first declares a class or function [footnote: this implies that the name of the class or function is unqualified] the friend class or function is a member of the innermost enclosing namespace."

因此,任何不合格的类或函数是非限定的 em> friend函数声明在最内层的命名空间中引入了一个自由函数; (可能)书中引用了注入命名空间。

So any unqualified friend function declaration introduces a free function in the innermost enclosing namespace; (probably) the book referes to this as to "injection into namespace".


Note that it is even possible to define (implement) a function inside friend declaration:

namespace Z
  class C
    friend void f(void){/*do something*/}

这个朋友声明不仅injects命名空间Z(f不是类C本身的成员!),因此Z :: f不需要其他声明或定义。

This friend declaration not only "injects" but also implements free function f in the namespace Z (f is not a member of class C itself!), so no other declarations or definitions are needed for Z::f.

对于你的例子, / p>

As to your example,

friend void Y::func(Z::X*, int);

限定的(以命名空间/类名称为前缀) '声明一个函数,它只引用先前在类Y中声明的成员函数Y :: func。这样的朋友声明没有注入。

is qualified (prefixed with namespace/class name), so it doesn't declare a function, it only refers to a member function Y::func previously declared in class Y. Such friend declarations "injects" nothing.


08-22 12:18