



我在 c# 中使用多个工作区,这些工作区具有一个特定类,每个工作区中的类始终相同.我希望能够拥有此类的副本,以便能够在不处理名称空间差异的情况下使用它.示例:

I'm working in c# with several workspaces that have one specific class which his always the same in each workspace.I would like to be able have a copy of this class to be able to work with it without dealing with namespaces differences.example :

namespace1 {
    class class1{
        public class2;

    class class2{
        public string;


namespace2 {
    class class1{
        public class2;

    class class2{
        public string;

在我复制的类中,我有一个函数可以将所有数据复制到命名空间的类之一.如果我只有 c# 标准类型,它就可以工作.一旦我处理 class2 对象(也来自不同的命名空间),我就得到了例外(对象与目标类型不匹配.")

In my copied Class I've got a function to copy all data's to one of the namespace's class.It's working if i only have c# standard types. I got exeption ( "Object does not match target type." ) as soon as I'm dealing with class2 object (which is also from different namespaces)

public Object toNamespaceClass(Object namespaceClass)
        Type fromType = this.GetType();
        Type toType = namespaceClass.GetType();

        PropertyInfo[] fromProps = fromType.GetProperties();
        PropertyInfo[] toProps = toType.GetProperties();

        for (int i = 0; i < fromProps.Length; i++)
            PropertyInfo fromProp = fromProps[i];
            PropertyInfo toProp = toType.GetProperty(fromProp.Name);
            if (toProp != null)
                toProp.SetValue(this, fromProp.GetValue(namespaceClass, null), null);

    catch (Exception ex)
    return namespaceClass;


Anyone do have any idea of how to deal with this kind of "recursivity reflection".


I hope eveything is understandable.



Edit :I think i got it solved (at least in my mind), I'll try the solution back at work tomorrow. Taking my function out of my class and using it recursively if a property is not a standard type is maybe the solution.



I got it solved , just to let you know how I did it :This solution is sot perfect because it handle only 1 dimensions array not more.

public static Object CopyObject(Object from , Object to)
        Type fromType = from.GetType();
        Type toType = to.GetType();

        PropertyInfo[] fromProps = fromType.GetProperties();
        PropertyInfo[] toProps = toType.GetProperties();

        for (int i = 0; i < fromProps.Length; i++)
            PropertyInfo fromProp = fromProps[i];
            PropertyInfo toProp = toType.GetProperty(fromProp.Name);
            if (toProp != null)
                if (toProp.PropertyType.Module.ScopeName != "CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary")
                    if (!toProp.PropertyType.IsArray)
                        ConstructorInfo ci = toProp.PropertyType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
                        if (ci != null)
                            toProp.SetValue(to, ci.Invoke(null), null);
                            toProp.SetValue(to, gestionRefelexion.CopyObject(fromProp.GetValue(from, null), toProp.GetValue(to, null)), null);
                        Type typeToArray = toProp.PropertyType.GetElementType();
                        Array fromArray = fromProp.GetValue(from, null) as Array;
                        toProp.SetValue(to, copyArray(fromArray, typeToArray), null);
                    toProp.SetValue(to, fromProp.GetValue(from, null), null);
    catch (Exception ex)
    return to;

public static Array copyArray(Array from, Type toType)
    Array toArray =null;
    if (from != null)
        toArray= Array.CreateInstance(toType, from.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < from.Length; i++)
            ConstructorInfo ci = toType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
            if (ci != null)
                toArray.SetValue(ci.Invoke(null), i);
                toArray.SetValue(gestionRefelexion.CopyObject(from.GetValue(i), toArray.GetValue(i)), i);
    return toArray;


Hope this can help some people.Thanks for helping everyone.Cheers


08-22 12:15