



当我试图赶上WF 4.0功能时,我想寻求帮助以了解实现给定方案的可能性.


While I am trying to catch up with WF 4.0 features I would like to seek help in understanding possibility in achieving the given scenario.

A workflow having one or more Input arguments. Data from the worklfow input arguments gets assigned to more or more activity input argument. These input arguments are marked mandatory or optional at activity level. Unless all mandatory inputs are available activity execution does not complete, therefore, activity must create bookmarks for the respective missing mandatory properties and wait for the data to arrive.
On the other hand, the host application is workflow type agnostic and does not know about bookmarks until runtime. It must listen to dynamic bookmarks created by activities and based on that prompt information on the UI to get the respective data for each property. So far in all the examples I have seen, the host application knows about the bookmark at compile time so is easy to map and pass the data. In this scenario, I should delay passing missing mandatory property information until the activity demands as the input value might vary based on the interim workflow execution result.



08-21 20:30