




Is there any way to initialize an array with a non-const integer, or to make the existing variable constant in order to make it a valid argument?

bool f( const char s[], const int n )
    char c[n]; // error: expression must have a constant value


否,一般情况下不行.改为使用vector<char> c(n).

No, not in the general case. Use vector<char> c(n) instead.


Simplified, almost correct explanation: if you don't know what n is at compile time, neither does the compiler. So it cannot put aside memory for the array. This is why vector exists.


You can always use &c[0] to get the pointer to char if you need it elsewhere.

但是在C99中是可能的,显然.感谢 @Matt McNabb 指出这一点.如果您可以等待几年,您也许也可以在C ++中对其进行编译.同时,使用vector.

But it is possible in C99, apparently. Thanks to @Matt McNabb for pointing this out. If you can wait a few years you might be able to compile it in C++, too. In the meanwhile, use vector.

如果您坚持在C ++中使用数组",则必须执行以下操作:

If you insist to have an "array" in C++, you would have to do something like:

char* c = new char[n];


If your program does not run forever, or do this too often, you can even just leave it as it is and not bother deleting. Tools like Valgrind might complain though.


08-21 20:20