


I have a class which has 3 static members. Each of static member is not thread-safe singleton.I need to provide a thread safe implementation for their use.Is it ok?Or I need to provide thread-safe wrapper for each of them? If I should - how can I do it using Lazy<T>?


Additional question : Measure() and Do() of SingeltonClass1/2/3 are not thread-safe is func1() thread-safe?

 public class MyLazySingleton
     // static holder for instance, need to use lambda to construct since constructor private
    private static readonly Lazy<MyLazySingleton> _instance
        = new Lazy<MyLazySingleton>(() => new MyLazySingleton());

     // private to prevent direct instantiation.
     private MyLazySingleton()
             s_c1 = SingletonClass1.Instance();
             s_c2 = SingletonClass2.Instance();
             s_c3 = SingletonClass3.Instance();

    // accessor for instance
    public static MyLazySingletonInstance
            return _instance.Value;
    public void func1()
        if (s_s1.Measure() || s_c2.Measure())
       static SingletonClass1 s_c1 = null;
       static SingletonClass1 s_c2 = null;
       static SingletonClass1 s_c3 = null;

如果MyLazySingleton的构造函数应获取2个参数,应如何重新实现? string strint i

How should I re-implement MyLazySingleton if its constructor should get 2 arguments? string str and int i






使用初始化的Lazy实例的线程安全模式 这个构造函数是LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication.

The thread safety mode of a Lazy instance that is initialized with this constructor is LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication.

如果您要使用另一个重载,您可以在其中传递不同 LazyThreadSafetyMode值,但这不是线程安全的.但是像现在一样使用构造函数,它是线程安全的.

If you were to use another overload where you could pass a different LazyThreadSafetyMode value it wouldn't be thread safe. But using the constructor as you are now, it is thread safe.

关于其他已编辑的问题,如果SingletonClass1类型的那些方法不是 线程安全的:那么 no func1也不是线程安全的

Regarding your additional edited question, if those methods on your SingletonClass1 type are not thread safe: then no, func1 is not thread safe either.

Lazy<T> MSDN页面:

From the Lazy<T> MSDN Page:


You will need to make sure that those methods/interactions between those classes are thread safe. This might be as simple as wrapping the func1 body with a lock statement, but I can't say for certain depending on how your 3 instances of SingletonClass1 interact with each other or how calling code may access them.


08-21 20:11