本文介绍了C Sharp中的"friend"关键字等效吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


C Sharp中的'friend'关键字等同于什么?

What is the equivalent of a 'friend' keyword in C Sharp?


How do I use the 'internal' keyword?


I have read that 'internal' keyword is a replacement for 'friend' in C#.


I am using a DLL in my C# project that I have the source code for and yet I do not want to modify the existing code. I have inherited the class and I can use my inherited class any way I want. The problem is that most of the code in the parent class has protected methods. Will using a friend somehow make it possible to access or call these protected methods?


  1. 您可以使用关键字访问修饰符 internal 将一个类型或类型成员声明为只能在同一程序集中的代码中访问.

  1. You can use the keyword access modifier internal to declare a type or type member as accessible to code in the same assembly only.

您可以使用 InternalsVisibleToAttribute System.Rutime.CompilerServices 中定义的类将类型声明为可在同一程序集中或仅在指定程序集中的代码访问.

You can use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute class defined in System.Rutime.CompilerServices to declare a type as accessible to code in the same assembly or a specified assembly only.


You use the first as you use any other access modifier such as private. To wit:

internal class MyClass {


You use the second as follows:

[assembly:InternalsVisibleTo("MyFriendAssembly", PublicKey="...")]
internal class MyVisibleClass {


Both of these can rightly be considered the equivalent of friend in C#.

protected 的方法已可用于派生类

Methods that are protected are already available to derived classes.

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08-21 18:53