


  class SomeKey {
friend class Foo;

class Bar {
void protectedMethod(SomeKey); //只有SomeKey的朋友可以访问


  • 它可以更简洁律师 - 客户(因为它不涉及通过第三类进行代理)

  • 它可以允许访问权限的授权

  • ...但它还有更多的侵入原有的类(每个方法一个虚拟参数)

(,因此我打开这个问题。 )


我喜欢这个成语,它有潜力变得更加干净,更具表现力。 p>

在标准C ++ 03中,我认为以下方式是最容易使用和最通用的。 (尽管不是太多的改进,但主要是重复自己)。因为,我们必须使用一个宏来定义passkey:

#define EXPAND(pX)pX

#define PASSKEY_1(pKeyname,pFriend1)\
class EXPAND(pKeyname)\
private: \
朋友EXPAND(pFriend1); \
EXPAND(pKeyname)(){} \
EXPAND(pKeyname)(const EXPAND(pKeyname)&); \
EXPAND(pKeyname)& operator =(const EXPAND(pKeyname)&); \

#define PASSKEY_2(pKeyname,pFriend1,pFriend2)\
class EXPAND(pKeyname)\
private :\
朋友EXPAND(pFriend1); \
朋友EXPAND(pFriend2); \
EXPAND(pKeyname)(){} \
EXPAND(pKeyname)(const EXPAND(pKeyname)&); \
EXPAND(pKeyname)& operator =(const EXPAND(pKeyname)&); \

//////////////////// ///////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////
struct bar;
struct baz;
struct qux;
void quux(int,double);

struct foo
PASSKEY_1(restricted1_key,struct bar);
PASSKEY_2(restricted2_key,struct bar,struct baz);
PASSKEY_1(restricted3_key,void quux(int,double));

void restricted1(restricted1_key){}
void restricted2(restricted2_key){}
void restricted3(restricted3_key){}
} f;

struct bar
void run(void)
// passkey works
f.restricted1(foo :: restricted1_key ));
f.restricted2(foo :: restricted2_key());

struct baz
void run(void)
/ * f.restricted1(foo: :restricted1_key()); * /

// passkey works
f.restricted2(foo :: restricted2_key());

struct qux
void run(void)
/ * f.restricted1 FOO :: restricted1_key()); * /
/ * f.restricted2(foo :: restricted2_key()); * /

void quux(int,double)
// passkey words
f.restricted3(foo :: restricted3_key());

void corge(void)
/ * f.restricted3(foo :: restricted3_key()) ; * /

int main(){}

这种方法有两个缺点:1)调用者必须知道需要创建的具体密钥。虽然一个简单的命名方案( function_key )基本上消除了它,但它仍然可以是一个抽象清理器(并且更容易)。 2)虽然使用宏非常困难,但可以看出它有点丑,需要一个密钥定义。然而,C ++ 03中不能对这些缺点进行改进。

在C ++ 0x中,成语可以达到其最简单和最具表现力的形式。这是由于两个可变模板,并允许模板参数成为朋友。 (请注意,2010年之前的MSVC允许模板朋友说明符作为扩展名;因此可以模拟此解决方案):

template< typename T>
class passkey
friend T; // C ++ 0x,MSVC允许作为扩展名

// noncopyable
passkey(const passkey&)= delete;
密钥& operator =(const passkey&)= delete;

#define EXPAND(pX)pX

#define PASSKEY_FUNCTION(pTag,pFunc,...)时,它们都会再次粘贴
struct EXPAND(pTag); \
template<> \
class passkey< EXPAND(pTag)> \
friend pFunc __VA_ARGS__; \
passkey(){} \
passkey(const passkey&)= delete; \
密钥& operator =(const passkey&)= delete; \

template< typename T,typename ... List>
struct is_contained:std :: false_type {};

模板< typename T,typename ...列表>
struct is_contained< T,T,List ...> :std :: true_type {};

template< typename T,typename头,typename ...列表>
struct is_contained< T,Head,List ...> :is_contained< T,List ...> {};

template< typename ... Keys>
class allow
template< typename Key>
allow(const passkey< Key>&)
static_assert(is_contained< Key,Keys> :: value,

// noncopyable
allow(const allow&)= delete;
allow& operator =(const allow&)= delete;

//////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////
////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////
struct bar;
struct baz;
struct qux;
void quux(int,double);

PASSKEY_FUNCTION(quux_tag,void quux(int,double));

struct foo
void restricted1(allow< bar>){}
void restricted2(允许< bar,baz>){}
void restricted3(allow< quux_tag>){}
} f;

struct bar
void run(void)
// passkey works
f.restricted1(passkey< bar> ));
f.restricted2(passkey< bar>());

struct baz
void run(void)
// passkey不工作
/ * f.restricted1(passkey< ;巴兹>()); * /

// passkey works
f.restricted2(passkey< baz>());

struct qux
void run(void)
/ * f.restricted1(passkey< qux>()); * /
/ * f.restricted2(passkey< qux>()); * /
/ * f.restricted1(passkey< bar>()); * /
/ * f.restricted2(passkey< baz>()); * /

void quux(int,double)
// passkey words
f.restricted3(passkey< quux_tag>());

void corge(void)
/ * f.restricted3(passkey< quux_tag>()) ; * /

int main(){}



Can we increase the re-usability for this key-oriented access-protection pattern:

class SomeKey {
    friend class Foo;
    // more friends... ?
    SomeKey() {}
    // possibly non-copyable too

class Bar {
    void protectedMethod(SomeKey); // only friends of SomeKey have access

To avoid continued misunderstandings, this pattern is different from the Attorney-Client idiom:

  • It can be more concise than Attorney-Client (as it doesn't involve proxying through a third class)
  • It can allow delegation of access rights
  • ... but its also more intrusive on the original class (one dummy parameter per method)

(A side-discussion developed in this question, thus i'm opening this question.)


I like this idiom, and it has the potential to become much cleaner and more expressive.

In standard C++03, I think the following way is the easiest to use and most generic. (Not too much of an improvement, though. Mostly saves on repeating yourself.) Because template parameters cannot be friends, we have to use a macro to define passkey's:

// define passkey groups
#define EXPAND(pX) pX

#define PASSKEY_1(pKeyname, pFriend1)                             \
        class EXPAND(pKeyname)                                    \
        {                                                         \
        private:                                                  \
            friend EXPAND(pFriend1);                              \
            EXPAND(pKeyname)() {}                                 \
            EXPAND(pKeyname)(const EXPAND(pKeyname)&);            \
            EXPAND(pKeyname)& operator=(const EXPAND(pKeyname)&); \

#define PASSKEY_2(pKeyname, pFriend1, pFriend2)                   \
        class EXPAND(pKeyname)                                    \
        {                                                         \
        private:                                                  \
            friend EXPAND(pFriend1);                              \
            friend EXPAND(pFriend2);                              \
            EXPAND(pKeyname)() {}                                 \
            EXPAND(pKeyname)(const EXPAND(pKeyname)&);            \
            EXPAND(pKeyname)& operator=(const EXPAND(pKeyname)&); \
// and so on to some N

// test!
struct bar;
struct baz;
struct qux;
void quux(int, double);

struct foo
    PASSKEY_1(restricted1_key, struct bar);
    PASSKEY_2(restricted2_key, struct bar, struct baz);
    PASSKEY_1(restricted3_key, void quux(int, double));

    void restricted1(restricted1_key) {}
    void restricted2(restricted2_key) {}
    void restricted3(restricted3_key) {}
} f;

struct bar
    void run(void)
        // passkey works

struct baz
    void run(void)
        // cannot create passkey
        /* f.restricted1(foo::restricted1_key()); */

        // passkey works

struct qux
    void run(void)
        // cannot create any required passkeys
        /* f.restricted1(foo::restricted1_key()); */
        /* f.restricted2(foo::restricted2_key()); */

void quux(int, double)
    // passkey words

void corge(void)
    // cannot use quux's passkey
    /* f.restricted3(foo::restricted3_key()); */

int main(){}

This method has two drawbacks: 1) the caller has to know the specific passkey it needs to create. While a simple naming scheme (function_key) basically eliminates it, it could still be one abstraction cleaner (and easier). 2) While it's not very difficult to use the macro can be seen as a bit ugly, requiring a block of passkey-definitions. However, improvements to these drawbacks cannot be made in C++03.

In C++0x, the idiom can reach its simplest and most expressive form. This is due to both variadic templates and allowing template parameters to be friends. (Note that MSVC pre-2010 allows template friend specifiers as an extension; therefore one can simulate this solution):

// each class has its own unique key only it can create
// (it will try to get friendship by "showing" its passkey)
template <typename T>
class passkey
    friend T; // C++0x, MSVC allows as extension
    passkey() {}

    // noncopyable
    passkey(const passkey&) = delete;
    passkey& operator=(const passkey&) = delete;

// functions still require a macro. this
// is because a friend function requires
// the entire declaration, which is not
// just a type, but a name as well. we do
// this by creating a tag and specializing
// the passkey for it, friending the function
#define EXPAND(pX) pX

// we use variadic macro parameters to allow
// functions with commas, it all gets pasted
// back together again when we friend it
#define PASSKEY_FUNCTION(pTag, pFunc, ...)               \
        struct EXPAND(pTag);                             \
        template <>                                      \
        class passkey<EXPAND(pTag)>                      \
        {                                                \
        private:                                         \
            friend pFunc __VA_ARGS__;                    \
            passkey() {}                                 \
            passkey(const passkey&) = delete;            \
            passkey& operator=(const passkey&) = delete; \

// meta function determines if a type
// is contained in a parameter pack
template<typename T, typename... List>
struct is_contained : std::false_type {};

template<typename T, typename... List>
struct is_contained<T, T, List...> : std::true_type {};

template<typename T, typename Head, typename... List>
struct is_contained<T, Head, List...> : is_contained<T, List...> {};

// this class can only be created with allowed passkeys
template <typename... Keys>
class allow
    // check if passkey is allowed
    template <typename Key>
    allow(const passkey<Key>&)
        static_assert(is_contained<Key, Keys>::value,
                        "Passkey is not allowed.");

    // noncopyable
    allow(const allow&) = delete;
    allow& operator=(const allow&) = delete;

// test!
struct bar;
struct baz;
struct qux;
void quux(int, double);

// make a passkey for quux function
PASSKEY_FUNCTION(quux_tag, void quux(int, double));

struct foo
    void restricted1(allow<bar>) {}
    void restricted2(allow<bar, baz>) {}
    void restricted3(allow<quux_tag>) {}
} f;

struct bar
    void run(void)
        // passkey works

struct baz
    void run(void)
        // passkey does not work
        /* f.restricted1(passkey<baz>()); */

        // passkey works

struct qux
    void run(void)
        // own passkey does not work,
        // cannot create any required passkeys
        /* f.restricted1(passkey<qux>()); */
        /* f.restricted2(passkey<qux>()); */
        /* f.restricted1(passkey<bar>()); */
        /* f.restricted2(passkey<baz>()); */

void quux(int, double)
    // passkey words

void corge(void)
    // cannot use quux's passkey
    /* f.restricted3(passkey<quux_tag>()); */

int main(){}

Note with just the boilerplate code, in most cases (all non-function cases!) nothing more ever needs to be specially defined. This code generically and simply implements the idiom for any combination of classes and functions.

The caller doesn't need to try to create or remember a passkey specific to the function. Rather, each class now has its own unique passkey and the function simply chooses which passkey's it will allow in the template parameters of the passkey parameter (no extra definitions required); this eliminates both drawbacks. The caller just creates its own passkey and calls with that, and doesn't need to worry about anything else.


08-21 18:52