




hello there, i want a code that checks a key if it is pressed, the code will be:

if If num_of_routing = 1 And "_refresh button is pressed" then messagebox.show("Make sure you have made the first route"


i need the code or function of the _refresh button if pressed , am very new to VB, so thanks for every one.


If Num_Of_Routing = 1 Then
  MessageBox.Show("Make sure you have made the first route")
End If

要获取Click事件处理程序,请在Visual Studio中打开表单,然后双击按钮.这将为您创建一个空的Click事件处理程序,或将您带到您之前添加的事件处理程序.

To get the Click event handler, open up your form in Visual Studio, and double click on the button. This will either create an empty Click event handler for you, or take you to one that you''ve added previously.

Public Class Form1
    Dim iKeyPressed As Integer = 0

    Private Sub RefreshBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RefreshBtn.Click
        iKeyPressed += 1
    End Sub

    Private Sub OtherBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OtherBtn.Click
        MsgBox("Refresh button was pressed: " & iKeyPressed.ToString & " times", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Info...")
    End Sub
End Class


08-21 18:46